Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 143, 20 June 1894 — For The Ladies. [ARTICLE]

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For The Ladies.

A speciiil committee of tbe convention meets tiiis afternoon to discnss tlie female sntfrage. A11 liulies interesteil in the business bave been invitetl to present aml otfereJ the freetlom of tbe floor. Verv few \vent aml why? I)ecause Cbarles Girdler on Kaahnmann .-»tieet had4ssued au invitition to tbe ladies to | eome to his store an l inspect bis I new iuvoice of tbe finest lot of Swiss embroid- ries, insert:ons, ; flounciugs and etlgings ever imported bere. They must be seen to be appreciated aud Girdler nearly gives tbemaway for casb. And wbo wonldn’t prefer iu»er- | tions to suffrage?