Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 143, 20 June 1894 — Resurrected. [ARTICLE]

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Mr. W. H. Aldrich, in whom the authorities Iately h«ve shown ! an iutense interest, appeared this I morniiig at the station honse and paid his respocts to Marslial Hitchcock, wiio, in return, served \ hira with a warrant and took hiiu into cnstody. Billy hasn't been in hiding at all, so he says, and he was rather snrprised to hear that “Old Sleuth Larsen aud fortv seven otber detectives have heeu looking for Lim in vaiu. T\Tbv, he was right there all the tirae, except when he took a ride or a walk. Mr. Aldrich will now play hide and seek in Oahn jail as a prisoner of State for the next thirty days,—“Tbe man with the ! iron gall! ’