Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 143, 20 Iune 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


E. P. Lsw i« m lown. Buffalo Be- r at tbe Royal. Pnnahoh ci «es to m >rr jw f<>r ihe long vac ti«>n. — Thei Constltutional Convcntion | s at it ag liiī to d >y. The Paradise of the Panhe for 1 June is ont, and ! >r sile at the lx»skstorts. The Anwa should arrive here j n<xt S<turd v with nne week? ' later news. The I>!PC"’very b ft yesterd »y I f >r Port Townsend. The Xew?b >y ; le»ves to-day. It i? ?tated th.it the new Constitution will be promuIgited on * | the 4th of Ju!y. B. Sc ; '.neider hss beeu appomted Governmeut Veterinary vice W T. M >n?irrat re«i_ r ued | . M< -srs Spreckels and Follis ’eft f r Maui v>>3terd)y. Tliev >vi!l r*>mf>in at S;>reckelsville for | «ome time. I — Mr. A Rosa ard Mr. W. A. Kinney returned fr >m Wailnku tb’s morning. where they have ■>ttend<d Court. A S>lnte was fired at noon f-om tbe war-ve?sels in port in i-on r f the Anniver?irv of Queen Victor5a’s Asoension day. To-morrow nigbt the benefit *>«rf'nune' f>r .Terry C>r,nor >akes plaee nt the Opera Tfou?e Oor.’t m>ke any o her engrgement but go there.

Th* ī n o’!8 to-nipht at S n. in. rt its hall, corner of King nnd N’mi: n i Street?. Mes?rs Ral<i\vin ami Robertson willspeak The puhlie is invited. Me?srs G. J. Stonernan and A. Bronson have bfen ndmitte<i to the R.ir, a '1 w 1' pnctire law in th's , c'ty. The law fi- n occ»r ethe office ah n-e Bi«l op & C< ’s bank. T* r’>ngh a misnnd<*rstanding a n >tice was publihsed in the Holo- , 3lt'A 't«ting that a meeting woa!d , be hel*l <>f the members ot the | J >cbey Clnb next Friday. Such , i« not the case. The n«w d'rectory whieh will be iss«ed by Me««rs Bradford and !ciay will nnd >ubte 'lv prove a succes s and w : ll tv> a vdaabl -book . of refer*nc\ All the meehanieal work wi!I le done in Honolulu. To d »y is tb“ A nniver«y of Q ieen Victoria*s Ascension on tbe Bntish thr»re whieh tock plaee on tb * 2< th of .Inne 1S37 uj<m the dvath of Willia u tbe Fourth. Her Majesty has con«equently rule<.l 57 ye rs. Tbe Star state$ that there will : be a combined parade and drill «>f. j tbe p. g. braves and the PLiiadelpbi» mea on lhe4th of July. le the | commaQder-ia chief-with-tbe-nnk | of-Coiooel going to haod!e the 1 con.b'natkn?