Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 143, 20 June 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
E. Mc[nJYF(E & Bf^O IMPOnTERS AND DEALERS CN Gr <xje ries, Provisioiirt AXD Keed, EAST OOUNEU FORT .t KIXG.STS. New Goods Rec’d By even* Packet frO'n the E;istrfrn States iml Enrope. Fresh Califoraia hrmluce bv ever\ steainer. Ail or.lers faTLfully atten*le<l t», an.l Go Js <lelivered to any part of the city FR££ Or CHARG£. fslaaJ Orlers Solioitml. Sit staction Gnamnte< J. Post Office i»ox N". 145, Te!ej houe N». 92. ORDWAY A PORTER, Roblnson Block, Hotel St., heiween Furi and Nuuanu , Have Jnst Bcceiv»d,i er Late Ani\als, tLe 1 8rfcst t toc L of FUI1 NITURE Ever Iinj Orted to this Country, Comprisiug Handsome Carved Bedroom dets ln Holiil Oak, and of the LA TEST DES!GA’S. ESPECIAL ATTENT1 )N IS CALLED T0 THESE SETS: WIOKEH WARE, Beaut ful Des : gns of Wick* r Ware, consisting of SOFAS, CHAIRS, ROCKERS, etc., vou ean get these in nny FINISH you desire. CHAIRS, Conntloss of CHAIRS, in evcr\- style, i icluliug OFFICE and HIGH CHAIRS. i EHTSITSIOIT TABLES, We have had a number of calls for these T.ibles, with CHAIRS t > match. We have now in stock the most BEAUTIFLIL DINING ROOM FURNITURE EVER SEEN H ERE. Sideboards and -:- Chiffoniers Z 2*r S3 - Divans covert J with PORTIEIRS are becom:ng q *ste tLe rage in plaee of LOUNGES -we nnnufactare the a to or Ivr. aiul a..ve a iaige stock of POUTIEKS to sel ct from. 3edid:itc-. Gre t Assortment ofWOVE V WIRE M XTTRESSES —Spring, II s ir. Moss, Wool and Straw Maittesses «>u liau.l auJ nnJe to or Ior. LIVE GEESE FEATHER3 tnJ SILK FL )SS L<r P 1 ows. CRIBS, CRADLES. eie. WINL)QW SHAD£S of all colors anj s;z s. COR >1CE POLES, in woo.l or br*ss tri>nmings. ZE3 ZE3 X=>~&. X E X 2ST <3% Mattresses, Lounges and all Upholstered Furniture repaired at reasonab!e rstes. CABINET MAKING, in all its branches, by Compeaent Workmen. MATTING LA1D and Int-rior Deoorating under tbe Supervision of Mr. GEORGE ORDWAY. Our Goods are Firet Class, and onr prices are the lowest Come anJ be convinced—a trial is solicited. Bell 525. tblephoss8: Mutuai 645. ORDWAY i POBT£R, Bobmson Biock, between Fort and Nooann