Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 143, 20 June 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
ICItysa Meat Market Oppo. Qnecn Emma Hall. EsUbl.iti<‘>i 1^3. JOS. TlNKEf?, bUtcHe^ Maher ofthe CcUhrai^>l Cambridge Pork SajL-are ! |Try Thf.m. Mpat Dtjlivt'it*tl io Anv P *rt of the Citv aud Snbtirbs Muttml Telephone Nn iK 2S9. WM. DAVi:5S, I StevecIorc» "\Vrecker. ESTIMATES AND CONTE.VCT8 uX ALL KTXDS OP WOBS. The Schoooner MAIIIMAHI. »ill run n>gularly betwre«?n thīi )<>rt and WaiiUaa. K.iwailuipii, Moknleia, K aaeuai Kniki ou the islaml u( Oahu For Freight, eUJ*, apply to the Ct|.tain. Inquire at (Miee of J. S. \Valker, ov--r Spreckeis' Hank, or Wright Broe Fort Stroet. ( rtfr lB-t( first Senti-ii ART LEA6UE, AT KIN03 ART C»ALLERY. HOTEL STREKT, j Open from Juno Oth to J«ly Oth, — £xhibition of oil * ' r 1 colors, pa?tels. sculptur •, wood 1 carving and Ohina i*intitie. | , A<imission - - ■'- > eenla. june 9-lms. The “ Eagle H :)USe ,, ' The Lease and the Good | U7 ll of this Favorite Family Hotel. THERE AKE FOUB DETACHED Cottage« an .ex- 1 t» the Hotel sa : .ttbie f »r pr v te fnnilie». Th** main bui!dirg contūns 20 '. Bed Hooms !arge Dini: g Rooro. ParIor. etc. The f .ru:t r-* ;s all 1 ebgmt and in g *o»l ionn ti n. Tbe Grounds are b*-Aofif »l!y laid out in Tre*s, Flow*is. Fer..8. an«5 other Plants. This bosine«s ea’ l>eLr» ghtr a bargiin on easy t»rri-i s t<» pay
ment. £MF~Apply to T. E s:o SE. i Arlirg*.o:i H lel oliio may 9-tf Merchaat J0xohangt Corner Kisg *»a Sut«(s. S. L SSA\V...M*^r. Th* Fuwst ir1e<tm *>f UQroBS • DEhK, sold uj'wit«r' ’.a rUa * •«n. FiM-cL*3» •nmku.e..-. C 1 jn toT jourvrii. ;