Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 143, 20 June 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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POUXD MASTER’S XOTICE. Notiee isb<*reb_v given »/■> all pt>rsoas th.it ' there are at the Governmeat Ponnd a£ il.ij kiki, 8tx straved hoi»s. : * I poor reil hoMe, white spots on the forei hea<i an<i twu - k, br«nded (4) oa the righl hip and \V8 on the Ieft. ■ 1 po>r chestnnt col<>r horse, white spot on th« forehead, white left hin i !ev’. bmnd | indescrihab e on both right aud ieft hip». I 1 crvam colored hor-e. whīte »{» it8 on the forehead aud hiek, >Tanded SM ni.’ht hiu<l leg, hittd legs an> wbite. feet are 'ho«i. j 1 dippled borse, br.md imleaenhahle on the left hind leg. 1 poor red horse, while spot <>n the haek. hind legs are white. feet are »hod, b:;md 1 ‘ indescriī»ble on tne left hip. ! 1 grey horse, white spot on tbe f ?r> he ■■ J; while hind legs. branv! iudeseriboble on the right hiud leg. Any ptTs»»n or per*ans owned tbese 1 h'»rse» are rsjnesteil to oime an-'l Uk> the s->me on or beiore 12 oeloek n.»in SATt'EDAY, JUNE3(>th, 1S4M. JAMES Ki’KONA, Poond M»*ur. Makikī. Jcne lSth, ls!>4. l-w dly.

POLND MASTER*S NOTiCE Notio» H berebr giY?n to ail per>ons. thal the» » at tbe GuT«mmeiU Punb>i tt Mt- i kiki, oue Uaek mare. vhite spot an th« forehead, brand iadMcribabi« >n tbe kii kimi īeg, hgbt e*r b*r« Unen cot oS Aht pemon or pvrsons owning tbk mare' are reqnested to eome and | tak« tbe «me on or helun* o'eloek nuon SATrEDAV. 21 1*M. JAM£S KUKONA, [Pool i Ma«ter. { Makiki, Jane. 12. 18M. june 12-lw dl 7