Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 143, 20 June 1894 — The Japanese Vote. [ARTICLE]
The Japanese Vote.
TLe Japmese Oovornraent and its ain?nt here bave won a signiP 4 ' hcaut victory in obtaining eqaal rigbts for Japanese res)dicg ic Hawaii. Tbe prorisions are so that the J ipanese in H.iwaii no longer i' ela.'Sed as an “Asiatic’ and no special legislatit)B oau be made agninst hiiu as formerly has l>een tlie ease. Ti. i- i- a >tep in t!.e right direction and the convention s to be compIiraented . on ignoring the howl of the antiAsiatic clobsand vlu in wbat is fair j 1 and just.
At preseut the clanse in the constitution will !iave only 'iu i’ll * j*ractical tffect. A number of Japanese are possibly qualified to heeome natnralizeil aml voters. but it is verv doobtful if any * f tbem will be wi'.line to >acrin fice their ailegiance to the Empiie of the Rising San. Should they chose to do s> the rigiits granted j to tbem iu«y somo day prove of | consideral*le mi.menl. There are abont 35000 Japaiu se , in the cooutrv today and negt ti- | ations are now going ou for an ' increa.se of tl»;it amonnt. The , I majority of t!»e Jupanese will ' ; make Hawaii tl»eir pormanent ; home and the moro inteliigent ch»ss are rapi lly le;»rning to read j and write English. There are | more tl»an a dozen nig!it-sid»oi»ls . for Japanese whieh are well frequente»l and wl»ere merchants, clerks an»l domestic serv;>nts aro \ . tanght tl»e English languago. A project haa boen ou foot for some time for the establis! ment of a large Jap«nese scl»ool anil will I probably becarriedout Similar schools 1 ske those now operating c;»n be fonnd in Hilo, Wailuku. j Spreckelsville und otler placos. , The result will bo that ir. lo-is 1 tban 10 years the Japano.se will. if willing to become na(nraliz d, . ! furnish a largo contingei*t of . voters, who will r rove theraselves i more clanish than even the l’or- 1 tuguese have eloae. Of comse it is not more tfaan right that the Jap anese shou!d have the j»rivileges now to be granted to them. bnt tl»at the step will lead to future ! complications is beyond donbt. 1 But tben the raissionaries don’t ; care. To them the qaestion is to ! get a dividend or not. while they sing ‘* Aj»res nous la ikluye.'* | 1 1 —