Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 142, 19 June 1894 — Please Answer. [ARTICLE]

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■i The following »{nestions were pubiishe»l in the ,/<»/>:11 Ma>! a few weeks ago. Could Mr. Hatch fmnish an ans\ver? Slli. — Tbe Japanv.se- iawaiian tre;ty recent!y aunounced gives rise to some iateresting questions a International Law, and I wonid be gl-id to have tbe opimou of tlie E lit >r of the JnjHin Mail concernnig them. Do ;btless otber rea lers besi»les myself are interested in the same questions, (11 Was not tbe conclusion of a treaty with Hiwiii «t tbe present taue a basty step? Have tbe Po\vers of tbe wcrld ever vet acknowledged to ti:e Provisional Goverument au ability to make tre«ties? Sucb j> >\ver c «n only ba exercised by absolate sovereignty and b«s a government whieh is only provisiou»l tli »t absola‘e sovereiguty? (’j) In case Hawaii shoald be annexed to tbe United States on the retuni of the Hepuhliean I‘i»rty to power, or in caso tlie Is1aud shou!d be incorporated iuto any «>tber polilioal bedy, wbat wouUl probab!v heeome of , tbis treaty? By answering tbe ab >ve you will greatly oblige. A Stcdext op Inteb.\ational L w.