Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 142, 19 June 1894 — The Tail and the Kite. [ARTICLE]

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The Tail and the Kite.

lo » few days more it will be a year aud a balf ainee tbe people : i oi this coontry tbrongh their ; Qneen appeaie<l to tbe jostice of , tbe Unite*l State« to remedy the wrv>ng |>erpotrated in its name. Nothing bnt a be!ief botdering on fanaticism, entert»ined bv tbe jH*ople of Ilawaii, that their great and 2<kk1 friend President Clevelami wa« the hea«l of a Cbr stian nation that wonld rem*-dv the > ontrage nl*;ch was confes-<e«l t«» by him and repodiate<l bef«»rethe world. has kej»t them qniet. To-day, aft* r ail the w.iiting, th>- olig rcby ar<* honored with a not<* from tb« l nited States rej>resentalive, whieh Las app «rentlv maile thern happy. For the bon<3r* lth time the orgms <>f the p. g. flaunt Amer;c«n ncwgpaper ruvti;gs in the face of the peoj>Ie, * *ssar ng tbem thnt monnrchy is •leml but now they f»ay it is *t>m* ; «leail The Sen>«tc resolution fairly reflects the character whieh the Amenean people a.scr;be to tbat bc*<ly. and tlierefore it is consistentIy ambiguous, antl pal-1 bal*lv dishonest. When wo are j uzzled to fiad a

key with whieh to uiiloek the il logical enigma and loose grammtir of tbc scnate resolutiou, we nee 1 oot travel t>> Washington. Scribe Jenkins t f p. g. flunkey<l"iu infornis ns. th ,t tlie Dipl«>m it-A.ini r»l sdects ■‘Snortin2 Jim’ and barber Nevin.s; the hired rejresentatives of the stump and qnill of the o!igarchy, as his honored guests, therefore furlber sj*ecalation as to who are “the j>eoj>le ’ recognized in th;it qa«rter, is suj>erfluous. This latest deliveratice of the l nited States senate ou the atfairs of Hawaii is uot calculated to add to the rcsj>ect in whieh tbe United States is held e;ther here or elsewhere. Sorae few years ago we were stroked and petted as ono of Ihe Pan Amenean nutions by Mr. Blaino, aml invited I by that staiesmau to atteml tbe Pan America« family meeting. We now know that Blaine was even th<*n engaged in j>lanning our destruction us a nation. The same sj>ecies of <luj»licity and Joublo dealing is sti!I in active progress. The sj»irit of jingo : Blame lives in the Uuited Statēs navy towards Uawaii today, and i whatover administiation may be iustalled at the White Honse,the naw will lemain republican, nnd as far as Hawaii is concerued inimieal in every respect to onr ; existence as a nation. Therefoie it is uot surprising that the CTeve* laml a<lmini.stration shonkl feel itself inadeqaate to imposing | npon an Admiral the task of i "righting the wrong committed | uj>ou a friemliy people,” so ldng as the i». g. is a tail to the Ro|>ablican kite. The Admiral may sip his wine, and exult iu liis luxurious cabin with his guests the enemiea of this |H*ople, over the grave of Hawaiiun libertv whieh the j l nited Stat<s dug; bot the Ha- i waiian people are not yet so heIf>Ks.s »s tlie gallant Admiral : md his houore<l friends ruight snppose, and it is in tbe line of our i»r>.*seut education of value to know. that tho Repnblican naval }>atriciaus whieh ituposed uj»«n liiis countiy tbe tvranoy of I Decemvirs is still tbe s.«uu*. } * Mouarchy an imjK»ssibiiity” is. we now kuuw Ihe *emper idevi of the naw. I