Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 142, 19 June 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
PACIFIC 8AL00N, Con.tr »nJ Nunano Suv-etx. EDW. WOLTER... .M»w HJ er. The Fine>>t selecuon of LIQUORS«n<l BE£R, sold anv~whepe in the to» n. First-ch»ss attendence. Cail and . for yoniself. no SO-tf. The “ Eagle House " Pei 3-A-I-iE-Thc Lease and thc Good lf 'ill oj' this Favorlte Familij Ilolel. THERE ARE FOUR DETACHED Cott;ige.s anneicd t * the U<.tel su;t ible f irpriv.tto £utnilies. Tbe main buildii " cont dns 20 1 Bed Rooms lnrge Dining Room. j Parlor, etc. The f:irnit"re is ail elegant and in good con«iiti( >11 The Grounds are beautif dly laid (>ut in Trees, Flotveis. Ferns, and other Plants. This bu?iness c»n be br »ught al a bargtin on easy terins as to paymenl. Apply to T. E- KROUSE, Artmgton H<>tel olliee. iuay 9-tf ART LEAGUE. AT K1XG’S ART GAULERY. HOTEL STREET, Open froiu June 9th to July 9th, £xbibition of oil piintmg, wate colors, pastels. scu!pture, woo carving und China pau\ting. Admission .... .25 ceuts. june 9-1 ms. ,Sans Snuci HS r l'EL, WAlKiKl, HUAOLULU .V firsf-C/ass Aeeommooations for /ōurists and /sland Guests SUPERI0R BATH!NG FAClLlTIĒS. Prhrate Cottages for FamifieS. ;\T. A. SIMPSON. Mainag>r., W. S. LUCE Wine and St>irit Merchant i 'ampheU Firt-proof Hluek. tf£ECHANT ST. HONOLULU.