Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 142, 19 June 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Hotel street Block.) The kbov« Stor« bs» r««eitrc<l aontber Stik-c-h.3 IoT«»ce <ji I APANE5E ySlLK. r ANCY Goods, Pcr S.S. “China.** -otnn»MviBEAUT1FUL SILK |AND CRAPE, I>rv»? <V»U in *fl pUin *nd fitrnmJ. Coi>hion.-, TafJ« ('men, Be<! Corern, Oown», Chcait>W8. SL:ltrU. Wl ('wpe liaiiikiw SilU AII Col n. F«m*y Drajwri«is EMBH01DERED HANDKERGHIEFS I> »ilhc*, S .rf'. S»j»b>’H, Jacketa, (.'«]«, Etc., Etc. XOVELTIES: Tb« Priiv« <if t!i> s> <i •»!•» w;li «st.inish vou iucladīug ELEOaNĪ SILX KIM0N08I Hati<lsooif Cigarptt« Casos, 1*111 l'0i>hiu!is, Silk Tw eo.Hīiiea, l iKUI. AM»sMil,L Jll*ISESt: Kl’«S Silk rmbreHas, hat strong; l'h.ur S > htles, Stlk; IUhiUki ltlin>l«, fit»e>l with pullejrs; Silk Laiu|> .Shatles. uew »tyle. .1 \PA\Est. M.'KEKN'i, From $3 I p. LlKliE J1I*1NESE 11KUELL1S ’ V,. C«n l>e Set with Pole In thc gn>nnil, ni fur }*ionic> or Lunehea ont of dours, they euu lie o|>eUed out or u«e>l 0« a teUt. COTT()N CUAPKS 1N GRKAT VARIETY Ly*lnH|>e tion U.‘s}>eotfalIy Iuvitcd. MRS. J. P. P. OOLLAOO, Proprietress. Aprl‘J-3(iis C.T. AKANA Tailūr 1 D24 Nnuann Street -VII Suit-s C Titara,n.toed To Fit aml in tbe Latest SStyle. Clothes eieaneil and Repait©d. no!7 THE COMMERCIAL 3ALOON, Harry Kumme, Manager L\>t. Noaaou & Ueretin : a s'.s. liouoluiu, H. 1. The Only Sp>rt ug Ilouse in Town. O. J*. S. a Specialitv. LOHENOKIN LAGJ£R |BEER, Always on I)r«ught “2 GL.\SSES FOR 25 CENTS. of M'inrs, Liquors, ami Ci$ars, AL\VAY8 ON HAND. jul tf NOTICE. At a meeting of the stockbo!ders of the HOlA)MUA PUULI8H ING CO. (Limited) held on the 25th inst.. tbe followiug persons were duiy elected offieers for the ensuing year: | Chas. B. Wilsos President * Eom xd Noukie. . Vice-Presideut 1 G. E. Ssuthies Seoretarv t G. E. S*1TH1ES Treasurer , E J. Tksta Aoditor ( UOAKU OK KANAO :KS; I C W. Ashford, A. P. Pet R60S ! ASl) F. Hauiusox. * G. E. SxirfiiKS, Secretary,