Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 142, 19 June 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
HAWAII’8 “ BLUE ” LAW8 ;CONSTITLTION and LAWS Framed bv the Missionaries. AMERICAN PRINC!PLES as they were Taught the Hawallans FIFTY Years Ago. Missioaari3s Thea, Missioaaries Now, i NO CHANGE. i Zrxterestin.g' St\ad.3r. LAWS of t’ne HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. j j \ i I‘' \ • CHAPTKR I. - A.\ AiT PoINTINO OCT THE MaNNEU IN WhK'H THK L\\Vs 8hAI.L BE I’KOMl'LeiAīlH. 3 Sli<tu!J ti*e pnrport of snv law not be uuderstoo,l, or sh> uld t e jndges be in doubt for w:»nt of clearness in the law, tliey m»ty in th.it case ask explanation of the 8npreme Judges, who will make known the exposition Should anv two lawa b» at varionce wit!i eaeh other, then the one bearing the 1 itest date is the one in force. This law havīng had the s.inction of the House of Nob)es, we have hereuuto set onr n imes this second dav of November in the year of our Lord 18-19. at Lahnina, Mani. (8igned) K'Hkhamkiu iii. 1vkkaitxohi. CHAPTEK 11. Of tlie Representative Body. In accordance with the requiroraent'< of the constitntion, certnin }>ersons will be chosen to sit iu eonneil with the Nobles. For the present they shall be chosen in the followiiig way. but at sorae future periovl the number will be in- I creased, thongh not now 1 Two j>ersons shall l.e chosen frora Hawaii. two from Mani and the adjacent islauds, Iwo froin Oahn, and one froin Kauai. 2. The ehoiee shall be made ns fol!ows: Whn.soever ple«ses on the islnnd of Hawaii may write to His Majesty mentioning the names of the two persons of wisdom whom he chooses to sit in eomieil with the Nobles. They may write in the following forra: To His Majesty, Knmehameha III. The object of our writing this lett«r is to inforra yonr raajestv <>f certain persons on this island of Hawaii whom we consider men of wisdora and prudence. The name of the first is The name of the second is It is our desire that these two persons shou’d sit in eouneil with the N >bles the present year. Uy ns, (8igned) The above letter when written may be circulated amocg the people, and all who are plea«ed with those men raay l pnt their And even shonld there be many such ' letters written it will be well, for tbe person who has tlie raost names in tbose letters will be tue persou chosen. and j be the Representative from Hawaii. In tbese ballot !etters there may be a gieat nnmber of signatnres to the saino letter. The natnes of »11 who vote will be counte<l. and the pers<3ns Laviug a m «jority will be the oaes who are choseu. The eleeiion shall be conducted in the same m.tnuer a!so j on Mani, Oahn and Kauai. 3. Should any man forge aaotber’s name as a signatnre | to a letter written as above, or sbonld any oae write his own name twice, or shonld oue write the name of anotber with,t . oat his approbation. he shall he fined ten dolUi> for eyery l * name ihns criminally written. p j 4 As soon as His Majesty the King ascert ii’is the names ! of the persons who are cfcosen. tbe Premier will tben write i and inform them of the day acd the plaee of meeting of the « ( Legisiature that they may be in a »tate of read aess. 5. All the expenses of the Represenlativ3s in going to and retarnicg from the meeti::g shali ba paid by tbe govv j ernment. and also all expenses while in attendance. This edict having been passed by tbe fioose of Nobles we have hereunto set our n-imea this second day of November in the year 1810. nt Lihaiua, Mani. r (Signed) Kaklhakeha KEEAeUOHI. (To Bt C-oniintud.j m.