Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 142, 19 June 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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WM. DAVIES, Ria:sBfei% Stevedort‘ - VN ’ 1 ' AVrecker. E-STTMATES AND CONTRACTS OX ALL KIXDS OF WOP.K. The Sc J io.x>nbr MA.HIMAHI, «rill nin regnlatly betw««n lht-> p.trt anJ Waiii.i». Kawaiii >pii, Moknleia. Kmwemu aa<1 Kuīki >T1 the isi«u i ot Oaho For Frtfijjht, cte , apply to thc ('apUiu. Inqnire nt Ofl£ce of J. S. NVtilker, ov r Spreckel3’ L»auk, nr Wi ight Broe Fnrt Street-t -W lfi-.f I POUXD MASTEH’S XOTICE. Xoti<» b herrbr to ali porsons th-it thrre »rr >t thc <V vtTuru-nt Pouo.i *t Mikiki, * x str»yed h*»w«. I n>or rcl honw, white spots on thc forebe»i and hnek. br«aded il) ou th« nght tup and WS oa th« fcft. 1 coor che8lnQ( cotor howe, arhit« «px oa the foreh«5td, whih* kfl hind l«g. h-muu ind«senbab e oo both right and icft kīpu. I creatn Mloml b->r»e. while sjx'B on tb« foreh«tJ and b*ck, br»nd«d SM right hind leg, kind !egsi *re whiU'. fert «rv 8bod. 1 Jippk l honae, brand imWnhahl* o« the le«t hind leg. I poor te*i hoPse. nhi«< spot on the haek, hiu i leg« are whue, Iwl tre sbod, brand iailnehKiUe on tne leit hip. 1 grvr hor*. whit« spot on the f »fehe*«i; whit« hiud Wg4. btand inde*crihahle on th> right hiad leg. Anr person or per#o«* owned Uwa hon-.T> u» r*qnestad to eume and take th« «tme on ar befor» 14 o eioek noon 8kTU R DAI, iTSK aihh. 1891. JAME3 KCKOSA. Posnd Makiki, Jo ie 13M.