Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 142, 19 Iune 1894 — For a Good Purpose. [ARTICLE]
For a Good Purpose.
Tbe minstrel troo;.o from the Ohampion will give a perfonnauee at the Opera Honse next Satorday DĪght for the bēnefit of the IJritisb Benevolent Society. This worthy inslitotion is in need of f‘ir.dsaiid the * boys" are to l>e coinp!:inented for their v> iilingness t > help it along The admissiou will be $1. 75cts.. and 50cts , .« i.tl it is hoiM?d th.it aM who eiijov a night s fuu. :in<l who fe* 1 sym| athy for the char;tahle iiurp< se will be there. A programuie will be pnblished iu a <lay or two.