Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 142, 19 June 1894 — Homeward Bound. [ARTICLE]

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Homeward Bound.

— Tbe J»paoese wtrship Takaehiho left port tbis moriHBg at aboot 9 o’eloek. When she steameJ oot the tag-boat vith the haiiil aod a DQmber of Japanese gentlemen escort<?J the aagniSccnt var ve»sel The Takaehiho wil! long be remembered here by the elegant entertainraent given on boanl her a while ago, and by the gmiality -«ad hosnitnlity of ber eipUin and olScers. Another and l*rger vessel is on the v*y t<> Honnl now. The K'*cgu will resnain bere in t!ie menniime