Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 142, 19 June 1894 — A Serious Combination. [ARTICLE]

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A Serious Combination.

Siuce tbe tlej>«rtnre of Mr. BSonnt. tbe couiui’iuit_v bas looked witb snme «ppTebeusion «t tbe oveters importetl by Blllj Cnn1 uingbam. However the oysters kept peaee «nd g«re notbing aw«y. Xnw tbo great bautsnmu . bas torn bitnself away from bis magpie, an.l w.tb a crnel satis faction adds book l»eer to oyster eoekiaiU. Tbe cooibination may be temptiug to tbe ordinary man. but onee tried it is irresistable— Wbere ia the