Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 142, 19 Iune 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Hawaiian Hardware Company

The AJvertisor who CAtch«*!« a persous eye usaallv wins * oustoiuer. Msnv Jirtereut styīes of advertising have l>eeo «Jopted «ml with nion? or less suocess, by the believers iu the uso of printers iuk. The mannf«ctorers of Pears 8o«p. for iustance, cx'casion al v bny pāintings that h«ve beeo on exhibition in the Par»’s Salon aml have lithograpbs ma»le fio«n thom for the purp.«e of bringing their pr«.Kl.ict before t!ie people. Iii achlitic»u to such siJe issm\s. Pearspends humlreds thousanJs of dollars annually among the newspapers and umg;»zines. Some years ago tho Agents of certain artiele ou sale m New York made a hit in advertising by baving on Broadway during business hours two fatluessly dressed Negroes weariugver>* highc >llars, ou tho backs of whieh waa printeJ * Use S.niths Pills." The iJea was novel nod the public caught on. Ilising Sun Stove Polish has beeu kept before the puhiie for years through persisteut, and souietimes expeusive advectisiug. Twenty o»M \-ears ago the manufacturers of this polish started half a «lozeu men acrossthe omiuieul to paiut signs on rocks and fences. The Aermotor Co., of Cbicago h:»ve increased its sales more than five huuJred per cent iu two years by the use of printers ink. We beheve we have l>een instrurueut;»l in increasing the S4les of tbe Aeraotor by keepingever1astingly at it in Hawuii. Wo do not wish to say tii.it advertising will sell ;»uy manaf«ctured article; tlioro is no use spending inouey iu advertising “eheap anJ nasty’’ go»xls becanse the people will not he hooJwinked. If H »vil »nJ Ohina was not tho superior article pt is, all our «Jvertising of it woakl uot liave solJ tho thousamls of,*pieces thal we bave. We simply eall the attontiou of tho people to it und its suporior quality is appareut to the castomer directly a pieee of it is examined.

Printers iuk bas helpe«l thesale i of the J;uue« Locked Fence but it would not h ive dones so if it hud been as tlimsy as the or dinay wire fence. First; the econoiuy there is in buildiug it recoiamen<ls it to the pIantation manager and then its durability clincbes the the sale If the stays an<l washerscost as mueh as an ordinary redwood post our sales of tbe inaterial would not have reached sach euormons proportions.

Our aver.ige sale of the Pansy Irou Stove is about two u day the }ear round. lf was not the best iron stove on tho market we won!d uot seil that maoy m six months. Advertising is the tip t > the puhlie the good points in thearticl&seils it jnst as tfae good qualities of tne Fischer Steel Jiange make it a desirabie article fnr people who wish toecouomise in the ose of fuol. We boy on!y what has proven good after peoplo in the L'nited btates or Europe have given it a trial; we profit by their experioce if the articles are goood we bny and sell them; if tbey are poor we steer clear of thera. When we adrertise an article tt is to attract attention to it; tbe newspaper ; s tue button we pnsh, the saiesm&n does the rest. Persistent advertisiog coupled with the *rt ole beiog a suporior one bas so!d thousamls of the Frani Walcot E;nory File. If it had been oo better than an or-diO.-try scytLe stone we probably wonld not bave so!d twenty.

J - When a man fintla ont that bis t table knivea may be kept sburp at ; »11 times at an of fifty cents »nd a reiy little elbow greose be ia qaite wiliing to try tb« expenment. Tks HaniLi aartfars Ca. 307 FortSbM(