Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 142, 19 June 1894 — Hawaii. [ARTICLE]

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The senate, speaking for l’nele S.iin, says tbe people of Uawaii slia.ll form their owu government. That is all well enough, but the troub!e of the matter is that the people of the Hawaiian 5slamls aro now powerless to act in the matter for reason tbat the United States overturned their "overn 1 0 I meut and put thein at the mercv of a Iot of adventnrere who then formed an oligarc!iy that has smce been strengthened to such an e\tent that will n*quire a bloody battle to oust them. Presideut Cleveland was right about the matter. The Queen should have been restored to her rights by the United States government. And the very fuct thut the senute voted ananimous j ly for the resolution is an en dorsement and a perfect vindication of the president's course in ' the mattor. TLe senate says inihe reso!ution I that tho United Sbites onght not iu any way to iuterfere therewitb, and that any interveniion in tbe poliliea! atitirs of tbose islands by any other government will be regarded as an act un- ! friendly to the United States. In , other word*, the United States throogu the jackasseduess of its minister, got the people of Ma- j waii into tronble, aud now they ean fight it ooi as best they emn, i and neither wi}] the Uoited SUtes take a band to help them back to tbeir rights nor allow any other nation to do so. Ttiis o>ay be nation«l law, but it is not eqnity by any manner of meana.— L'haiUinooga.