Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 142, 19 June 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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Eoitob Holomi'a: President D de must. we think. agree with W. O. Smith in his actiou of enforcing the S«ndav Jaw— bot on, what grounds? We have heard that. he is a free thinker. tberefore it eannoi be iu ; obedieuce to the !aws of the teu commandiaeuts l’resi.leut Do!e, weare afraid mist .kes tbetemper of the pnhlie The public aml not a sraall clique of tlje Central Union Church object to a Puntan Sund»y, aml Mr. Dole knows fully well that the most enlightene»l- nation has cast off that abortion, and that by chaining the people in such a way. will briug him iuto more contempt. tban ever De a man. Dole! A man means a broa»l mimled generons lover of bis fellow creatures not a puny, whining psalm siuging hypocrite, whom, if Jesus eame to Honolulu, be | would »lespise and spnrn’ The unscrupulous Stevens has brought to the surface aml pliee»! in power men who pr<>ve»l bv their actions daring the Iast seventeeu montbs, to be mean enoi:gh to snbdivide the cl«v they are maile i of. and sell it for town lots. S P. N