Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 142, 19 June 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]

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— ["« io aot boii) oan»it» tMpoasbI* tor thi opawa» « tfae aii#r»r. af ocr com»poB Ej>nx»B Holo*ca: Tbe principles advocatevl by Mr. Quinn at the Anaerican Leagae on tbe evening of Jane 8. appamntlv had too mneh of the trae Americao ring abont it. to sait the an-Ara»»ricvn he<lgeh<'g privcii>Ies of E. Towae. He «arbl«s thns: * The Hawaiiacs st«>od in the same position as the negroes of the Sontb.’‘ Wonder ho«’ maeh t'ap, Towse expect« to get frum the p. g for his creepīng toadyism? Mr. Towse mav wak-» up s-»rae fioe m<jrning. and find tuat there is a vast ditference between the negroe< ■>( the Soath »nd the Haw*iians in their own coantry And bv the gre it b ra spoon, I for one Iu»j»e he will be kindly rem»»uibtired on th tt g!ori<ius Hawaiian njoruing. f r his stinkj»ot utterauces. It is . only th« or»von who crows. wlien he im.igiries ho is safe. Hawaii Fokkver.