Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 142, 19 June 1894 — IMPR0VED? [ARTICLE]

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I I The Colonel-Cadets Drills. i Tlie p. forco3 tamedo«it lsist nigut for a display, and itreve.il- ‘ ; eil tbe fast f>diiig miiueric«l power of the anny. The oioon light was cleur and the evening : eool. but the anuy iuust be suffcring badl3’ frora worras or grip as ouly 1S5, all told were ou parade. The showiuan-Diploinat 1 i euj*.ytd the grand oi»rch past from the corner of Hotel street «ud surprising to.say tbo JJrigade : forgot to s.ilute the great >tatesmau in passing There were a eapi.iiu aud a fe\v lieuieu iuts to . every ouo of the six coiupauies of 24 privates iu aJditTdn to sergeants and corporals. Eviden»ly the health of the troops shou!d be looked after as j even the iudacemeut of uulimited lager nt tbe dr.Il shed is insufticient to draw out the “bravemen” witb tbe zeal as former!y. There was no sign that the colone!-Ciidct has improved since . his educatioQal trip to the | Presidio in San Francisco. Tbe ht»Tar were as incompetent as e\jr. Upoa tbe command of . “or«r arms ’ the guns were \ Jdronght to the ftoor witb a sonnd reseuabling a haii-storra on a corrogated iron roof instead of with the eeiai prescribed. illing was as usual the on!y [ man «ho ean march aod Z.-igler ouly oficer who eau eom-j Tbere seems to be a fneadJy coutest among tbe great Napileoiu as to who ean pro—nounee liis coinui.inds ia the most unioteliigible manner, and who carri(uitato a voice bared on fat pork khe best. Soper look the | eake—and the pork.