Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 141, 18 June 1894 — LATEST NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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* Tbe Midwinter F4Īr wi!l proba- I ’ b / d»R on tba 4th of July. rhvre ar? 1» 000 pres'n* hot»s - iff« in (bs ralī»y» in Br>ti?h C 'umbia wheie ihe Fns>‘r river ictds its de*trtctxv* fl »nd. "VVashington. Jane 8. — The H?ose Comm .ltee on Commerce w il sabmit a «Tor»ble report on 8« n «t >r Morg.iu’s Nie ir»gaa eanai bi!l, with -ome ui.aiifications. S-v«*nty milli ns of st->ck is togo t the Umte«I States, Costa Rica i> to gvt$l.oO)OOdand Nicar>gua 8’. OoO.OOO f. t the conces>ioas v o’ ted, as »(ia allowed in tho 0. igiual hill. Tbe Manlime Uanal C«\mpany wiii receive '4.000.(KK) of stoc‘x .e. c<MDpt nsa i>-u f«>r tbe : r ex- }. ;nses inste;.d of $6,500,000. ' ilio sbares vtiich they hoKl in i.-ess uf tbe $4.000.0 : M) may be t> >ng!it at t! e m«rket priee by . t’ie United St ites at any tirae • 1 1 xe GovernmeDt e!ects. The i c»mmittee express their opinioa ■ti «t inasiuuih as tbe Mar tirae | Oaaal Comp ny obtained tlieir e .:.ces>ious at a c<»st of not more u>n $150 OiH), S4.000.000 will cover their u tual exi»euses. Lomlon, M- v 31.—Ramors are ' m cireu!atioi thutthe RightH*io. Lord Lord Chief , ustipe <>f Erglaud. has ten<lere\l\ l.is resign«toii t» Lord R»se- ; berry. It i.s also st ite«l that he 1. for some time been SuH'ering .rom a serious interna) «lisonler. Tiiese nnno s have caused n >er.satiun. • Auuap lis, (Md) June 8—The .**r .liualiou >-f the N tval Ac«demy , >‘X rcis -s was resche«i to—«i >y, when .i.e graduate». receivt‘«l theirdiploii - l‘r >m hands { ihe Secre ry < f the N. vy. a t rma!ity th>;t l sbmd‘*d t ieui as t:ie c!ass « f 1 ?94, aud f rev=r abs.«Ives them ;V» u uie fet. ts of ao>deiUv l'seinliue. Armore. (I. T.) Juue 8 —Bill oulliw, traiu robber, band ;■ «bber and ; ‘« ler of tie L «ngview . raid. is de«d. HedKdas h- alwaye s .id be wou <i, with Jds boots ou :«nd a gi.x-,«ho<»t.!T in hi<« bands. 1 Tuc eueounl roccarr <i liinee milea > iiilbvve>t of Els, I. T , tb s morn- ' •»g. b* lweeu 7 aud 8 o'ci<'ck. Tue Cuuard stea uer Luaueai whieh :trriv«:d at Q iee.ist >wn frum .\evv \.«rx, ou tl«e eighi. Inw :ue l>.*st rec >rd tbirteen urnntes < dat t! e game tim® sail*-d s« veu-it-en milea on>r- th«u auy of the e«r.!er lrips. I{er lime was five d«vs, lwelvi hours aud tifiy e:glit iniuulea. Natban F. Seiig i an, the wellknowu mon>y br»ker iu Oakla»d c«mniitt«d «uicide at bis home, 585 Ca 1 do tia avenue, yesterd.iy mornihg. Tbe deceased s iot him -eif thr »ugl t the heart. \Vashhigi »n, June 4—Att<*ruev 1 Getierai 01 iey h;«s fi'«d ,insi 1 the «- the late 8enatnr 8tau- 1 ford a elaiii m behalf of the Hni- !

icd Sutes f>r f;e s i n of C00. ih;it b.*ir.(c the proportu>nnte s!iare>f th* debt uf the Ceutml l'aoiie Rti ro>d th..t estate uw.-s the (jovern ueni under Ihe theory t nt the peraonal assets of the yi ltvidual ine:ubers of th;origiual Cent:a! Paiilie syodicate are rur th-* debt t»f tiiat corporati..n due jor t» beojmo dne to the U iited ; 8tate>t. » -