Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 141, 18 Iune 1894 — A WEEDING. [ARTICLE]
A Honolulu Eelle Married. . ! Tiie residenee of Mrs. C. Ben- ! ! j No. 818 llope street, was tho sceue of a mrv pretty vredding la-t eveniiig. Miss Edit!i Auld rtf Houolulu nnd HenrvC. Morton of this citv \vt-re { married at 8 o eloek, Rev. B W. J R T«yler offioiating. The Iu»use was handsorne bv decorated. L * . Marque rosos and ft*rm« were nsed iiu i>rofusion iu the drawin2I rooius. The iuante! was b.inkud with these flowers, \vbite lilies and date-paliu foliage being aT*o used. The bnde looked very 1
i pietty iu a gnvQ of white ohin» | silk, triiDiue»l \vith broc;»iletl s<»tin aml h.inilaoine laee, aud carried a bouqnet of white carnations aud orauge blossoms. A ! tulle veil aud wreath completed I her costmue. Her sister, Maod | Auhl, \vas raaid of Loaor. She wore yellow ehina silk. wit!i bertha of whiie laee. Little Miss Vivi:*n Stepheus mnde a enk Hower girl. After tbe cereraonv • ; an elaborate suppor w is»Hjrv*d. | Mr. an»l 5Irs Morton will go t< houee keepingat oncdnt Xo 1324 1 Hope street. Mmv I presents were received,consisting • of silver, eu. glass aa i bnc a ; brac. Those preseut w,-ra; Mr and Mrs.EC. Stephaus. Mr. aud i Mrs McKnight, Mr. and Mrs K : L. Folsom. Mr. anJ Mrs Harvey, Mr. anl Mrs J. M .VIurphy; Mtnes. P.«rker, Berc.-ml Giaty uf Stu Jose; Misses Cr.iw ley, Folsoai, Edswor*h. BeeJer Joi\lan, M aui Aa!d. Louise Aiu.‘stoa; MeS'H L >u;s S *ut jas Alex Kanrey, H M-.*laade, Ginty, Uopperstead, B»rney Beujjmin. ; Bisbee, Dr. Dsarth, Percy aad , D. Benjaioin.— Ex. _ |