Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 141, 18 June 1894 — WHO IS RIGHT? [ARTICLE]

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Bishop Willis Difiers Fr» !in The ‘ Adm;rai.*' ~ - ho voald bave tboogbt it ; ~Our few lines ontbe ‘Liberties of Haw-iii in tbe last number tlm-w tbe New Yurk Kivning iW into bysterics. aod Tisions of i>r>tish IroDclails descending on Ha««ii fl<**ted in his feveied br in. Aad ail for whaH Not for the opfnions expressed, in «bicb the F eoncurre«l. but l«ec-iuse tbe EIi'or is an Anjliein Uiahop. U-n: ilht tacrji>ue! I-n tit t:ine that the ghost of a delnsiou that h«Unted edit. rul stnctums iu tiie St;;tes 30 \t*i«rs ago, wben a missioB iry b sbop was first se >t here from Eoglaud.'sboaid be Iai«l to re>t > The missionary b >hops of tbe Cburcb of £ngland h*ave uo fin- . j geis on lbe i>olitical \vires tbat radiate from Dowuing street. But «s f»r ns iu tbem lies tl>ey wi!l be on the side of trutb aud jnstice on bebatf of the ]>.-ople amotig «hom tbey dwell. Tiie pr>'sent is not a m*Te questinu of poiitics. It is a qtiestīon of rigl t. Wlmt wn>ug ba\e tbe Hnwaiian people { doue to America, that after half ! a century of we‘l ordeied selfgovernment, she shouid in time of peaee use her f.xroc.s 1 1 put tliern ut.der the heel of a haudfol 1 of meii whose fatliers enme here as preachers of tiie Gosj*ei? Tbe Hawaiian people Lave uot lost faitb iu bie just:ce of America Tbat an act nnworthy of a greut nation was comuiitted on Janu irv 17, 1893, hns Leen puldicly neknow!edged. Hawaii and Ha- ! \vaii’s queen \vait patiently for redress. lt !>as taken time to | sweep away the reti:ge of lies by I whieh, at ihe nutset, llie Amerj ean peop’.e \vere. dec«ived. BiTE when the truth is known, tlie dntv of the nalion will bo soen, «nd there will be one voice fmm - | Maine to S«n Francisco, as t<» what must be done to save tbe prestige of the great Ri ]>nblic, ‘ FiaT JuST1TIA ,Rt’AT «' KLUM ” —Honolula Mo<jmine.