Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 141, 18 Iune 1894 — RATHER PUZZLING. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


U. S. Offjcials Wuh Apparcntly Conflicl»ng Instructions Mr. Alb*rtS Wii ' irho us lht? r«|»re.M?nta{ive «>f t'ie f mtefl Su.. ' t>* Hiwaii an 1 w io k «ap-,. pog«l !• ba%e eameii out tl.e loftv Hini jU't |K»licy ol Prviiueitt Clevelan<l \in lns «*wn very peeu- i linr njanner) l<a» corre8poml<«l agaiii. Itii* lii» 1 ’ lie lias not ■iidres«d bim(ielf t<> the provi- i siunal governa»ent espec«*lly. but be h«s writteu a letter to oue i Francis XI. H it« b whoiu he styles “Mmister «>f Foreign Aliairr.' nut inil>catiug th *ugu if the s i.i J Fraucts M li<»lils h;s title from ' the LuijM.r<»r of Curea, from the Kn g < f T< nga ur from tae J>cLn.gi»uu «f Azul Pneeuni nblv he >•,<*:.! s .lttl<" Hnieh. tbfi attoruey «f S|»reck«*!» ho>1 the g*-ulleiiiHU wlio u<*«'g**ts delighte<l bv hsving a Ja[Muese w:ir vessel SHiuting him. The l<-tter is g <*d. Il is rnre hikI juicv iu t*M«e, 4»ixl it eauuol fa.il t. coiuf»>rt the ! ■_• <! lunaiuary wb<)wU Hs‘'uiiuisfer <)f vvar. -ilr Willia wr«t< s; Lk<>.vtion or THt U.MTKU St.vTEs I H«\ i.ule H L. Jone lt», ls94 \ Hov. Fhaavis M. Hatch, Minisler < f Forcigu tl <us SlK— l have the h«uor to eu cl<*sc herowith, h.r the iuf«ruj.i tioo of lai' Ouv‘>rument, copy of diupatch received toduy from ii<»u. WTQ. (ireshrtin, Secretary i>f State. transuiittiug c<»py of a resoli.t(oii whieh j>«i'»e<l the Seu* ate of Uie Uuit< <1 States May 31, * 1894 With reuewed assurauces of }iigh esteem, I «ui, Sir, Ven resj)ectfully. Al.Ii: KT S WII.I.IK. h e» « m r T T A. This proiuismg d'sp,itch, of whieh the numl>er does not «|». pe ir. Hatch s soul with j »y hu<l ‘ «11 the aheeniea h«d a juhilee (11 its«lf it \vouldu t |i,tvo hoeu inueh of « eomfort, l»ut the letter from W. Q (>reshaio whioh w«s «tt«clied t<> it fi led the eup of joy to overfli»w. Mr. Gro.s!i4io w«» s!iortly ag<»

tbrough tbe hnmls of AIr. Willis ilelireretl a uiost elo<jaeat ad<lress to tlic |> g , aiid tbe siuall lial.niee of tbe \v »rlil. !ms tiiiaugHil hi* touesoim'w lmt »U(l li«s got bravely ovor Iiis Iofty Me-is aiul prlnciplt*s of "jnstice,” “honor,’' “fairuess.“ “eqaity,' eto. etc i

T is tinie t!ie gn*it stnteeman pres««9 him9elf is f »1 i *ws: Dkpaktmk\t of Statkk. / VVa8HI.\ui in, ,)uue 2, 1SV>4 \ Alhert S. Wii.ii>, Ksy, A*o., 4, Av-, Hoool'ihi, Sik:—1 enei t<- i.« r - > ’th. f»r y »ur nif«>ruuition. copy < i' n r-s.»!uiiou | whu-h p*s- .1 th<; i.«i«* i «y *l-t 1V,*«. decl iring ih«t «*f r «t Ih*l.tugs wli >l!y t«> tbe ( v >t>.<-«*t t le Haw liuau is.'t>ntis i > vstal> ish and i mainUin theirowu f«»nu «»f g.»vrrn- I mrut aml d»mestio iH»iicy; ihul ihe , l iilleil Sl«tes ehouui <: n -«vis>e int«*r!« re thero>vitii. aud t!iat mv ! intcr*cr» n m H.e j*»i;iK-«i atT«irj* , ol tne Isl.mJs by mv . t .vr govern- | rneut wili be regtr t»«! <*s au uel unfriotiillr t«> t.-.eT n:ted -"t.ites.

Tlii!» decUrsition imI the ( t >p!<> I «*f tite huand* i:te r-u il t > (*Ublitb aa i iiiiinuin «aeh inali . u tutmn« U»«*y tbutK «Japl-d to their W4tits in enl:rt‘.y &*,tisi*cl»rr u> the Pres;deiit. I tu), 8ir. Ywur obcdivut »«rvapt, W. Q. (;k!:sh w. KncU)sufe: CX>py ot' rvst>!uUou j refeMvd u». •

IX THK St\.\TK OK THE U\ITSOi Stat. s; May )lst, l? 1 H \ that of r ght it b?kmgs j to the pct»plv of th* Hawai- i i-m ls!aiuis t >e<lab.ish aud <ukin- ! l*iu ttx»ir o»'ii ftirm of gt»*< nmf>nl aud doaie>tic policy; that ihe Unit«i SUites ought* hi no wise to inlerfere there» iiu. and thst any iuterrentk>n in tbe p >!ilicil aff»irs of these Isiands by any other g rern- j «uent v*iil be rfgufil*d »f ao act | utifrieudly to tl.e Umted S;al»-s. Att«at: 'Wu. U. Cox, StonUir. I * 1 Uarriug lhat .Mr. Greshaui hae mad« a i igntutnp chat.ge froiu hie fonuer positi»n tus letter ie real!y good. The c!o*;ng «ord may prov*

I him and CIevelarM a pair cf onmi- | if no hing «rorw or it rr»y ehow that th ?y ar« the t»o I be«l dip!omats ex ting. E»ad tbe words c»refullr: “This declarali««n th*t lbe peop eo(, tne Islxcds bsve the rignt t * retsblisb snd ma nUm such in tit«itioo ss they liMiu ! 1 ;«*ijuftr l to the:r w.mts. i- «itireiy eati*fac >rv Us tbe Presidtnt~ Ol course the 1 resid«nt is r ; ghL Wi.en he told th « p. g. to gtt out t he d.d not d » 9*>, u*cause be wj« e*[>*-ciallT l.ui « f the :n »Qircuy bul h-r us- he as« « lrue A u»rican h> i“-vrd i«i un-.i« mg a wrong and ttth«s , n .e iiuieel ampion ihee ;ure of the clas»es ve sas the uussws. He sitnply uow saja. tbat the l'e p!e of Hau’ »iii shail form the»r owu g ve umeul. and who *"lhe i‘et»plti aie ueither iie or anv b<«dy else tu «e ever doul>tcd l’ue aj»p«- iranc ,i though of the a.lcgtd ' dec!ara lon” of Admiral Walier m thc s»> »,e issue israthtr puz/.liug. Mr. Wiilia teils Mr. Hatch that tht Uuited 5tates wili m uowise to erate auy iuter ft-r«-uce with H ,»aii’s domestic ‘jirs. «nd Atl o»ral W alker is mstnicted thai *‘if it heeame ■ nec<-ssary to act he was to act with ihe greato t i)ruu»ptuess>in cnse of auy <>utL .eak. lu case ol an attempt ou the part of tl»e een’> udhere its to resort to c.vil war lie \»as to take advkutage of tlie s<tu t,ouj- )astohavea voice .ii tuc >L-tticu) .*nt of utt’airs.’ Now, if VVillts »s ordered to tell ihe j>. g tbat i o iutc-rfereuce ol auy kmd will be toleruted and ; lhat tbe aw »iiaus iu reg.ird lo the»r iloiue; tic afiairs eau do ,«s the\ d well please; aud aC tiie sauio tii te this Admirai Walkcr states t.,at he wili by ; £ui*ce rnterfert if ti,e people siiouKl take j> »ssessiou of ti»at whieh by thei birtiirigiits bei ioi.g to them, where, if such ’ shoalii ,e « aso, are we tlieu ? ] jif that is A uenean justice, 1 liouor aud dec3ucy tnen save us from tno.sc qu, lities as j)reached by the meu et >at mixed race. ’i’ue days of >’:urt are over. Let M» . Willia aud Mr. Walker eome j out like meu ai >1 plainly explaio the situatiuu. lf Mr. \V T ulker is sncb h grtuilai d o ever dij»lomat ; as the Americtm papēr s.»y, ho ls, iet hia» solve tl»e gorcliau knot aud as a matt« rof decency proelaim wbat ht j»roj)oses to do m ieganl to the j rotest and uoeepl:od e’aim «>f L liuokalani. Il’ he f is oulv au und >rstrapj>er, let the > * suj>enor ’ \\ llis eome out and tell the peopl) at Isrge, whele thev are, when Cleveluud is aud j w i,ere true / iuencans eau bc found.