Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 141, 18 June 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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OEI>WAT k FOETEE, Robinsor. Blork, Hotel St., heiween Fort and Xuuanu , (Ha ve Jnst E* ceiv«d, jcr Lale Arrivals. tLe I argest Stock of FUE Ly \ _ ' NITULE Ever Imported to t l >is Coanlry, Comprising Handsome Carved Bedroom Set: In Oak, andof ihe LATESTDESIGXS, ESPECIAL ATTEXTION IS CALLED T0 THESE SETS: * WIOKEH. WARB, Boa> t fnl Des gas of Wick**r Ware, consisting of SOFAS, CHA1RS, ROCKERS, etc., \ou ean get tliese in stj FINISH you desiro. CHAIRS, Countlesa nnmbers of CHAIRS, in every style, iiicludi»g OFFICE. and HIGH CHAIRS. TABLES, We have had f number of calls for thcse Tables, with CHAIES x oaieh. We have now iu siock the most BEAUTIFUL DINING ROOM FURNITURE EVEE SEEN HEEE. 9 Sideboards and Chiffonier 5 331 'V A. S. m Divaus covere< with POETIEES are becoraiug quito the rag> .1 plaee of LOl NGES —wo manufacture them to order, and have i laige stock of PORTIERS to select from. BEDDIITG-. Grent Assortinent ofWOYEN WIEE ilATTRESSES—Spring, Hai • Moss, Wool end Straw Mattresses ou hand and raade to oide-. L1VE GEESF FE.Cf HERS apd SILK FLOSS for Pil!ows. CEIBS, CRADLES. etc. WIN'OOW SHADES of all colors and siz*s. COR N'ieE POLES. in wood or br.iss trimmings. :=e b ibhtg*. Mattresses, Louuges and all Upholstered Furniture repaired at reasonable rttes. ’ CABINET MAKING. in all its branches, by Compeaent Workrae i MATTING LAiD snd Int-rior Decorating under the Sapervision ). Mr. GEORGL ORDWAY. i Our Goods are F;rst Glass. and our prices are the lowest Con« and be c<>nviu ;ed—a tri»l is aolieiieiL Bell 52-». TF.LEPHoyzs: Mutuai 645. OEDWAY A; īl>biason Block. bet«feen Fort and Nouaiu

H. MAY & Co., ( Tea D3alers, Coffee | Roasters AND IL Provision Merchants 98.Fort Stroct. Honoiolo Pamliiea. Phntations and Ships I 8Qpplie>! with cboicest 5. 1 Euwpean «1* A mmoni Groeerir$ H | CalifornU Produce by ETeiy <