Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 141, 18 June 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
PACIFIC SAL00y f Ccrner Riog and Nonann ; EDW. WOLTER Man i^er. Tbe Fin< .-t seUcnon of LI UOBS and BEKK, sold anywheTe in th« toi n. F:rst-class attendence. Cali and judg9 for yoniself. n.) SO-*i. The “ Eagle Hcuse ” | The Lease aiid fhe Good Will of this Favorite Family Hofei. { THEBE ARE FOUR DETACHED Cottages arnux <1 t> the I WoteI sn t ible f >rpr : V ite f irnilifs. ! The main huiklii g cOiitiins 20 Bed ltoonis l-trge Dinii g Uooiu. ( Parlor, etc. The f irmt rc is all elegtnt and in g >od cond tion Tbe Grounds are beautifnlly lakl out in TreiS, Fioweis. FernS, and j other Planls. ; This businesa oan be br«mght ai la bargiin on easy terms as t«> payj menl. to T. E' KKOFSE, Ariiugton II* t*d ntfice. mav 9—tf I > ! ART LEAGUE. AT K1NG’S ART GALLKKY. HOTEL STREEr, lOpen fr«'iu June dth to Ju!y 9th, Exhibition of oil i> iinting, wate , cob*rs, j>asteis. scn!pture, wno Icarring and Ohina painli ig. Admisaiou .... .05 ce nts. june 9-1 ms. «Sans Souci | HDTEL. 1 WAIKIKI, UONOLULU. 'a . « m r irst~Class Aeeommoaafions for i i ourists and lstand Guests SUPER!0R BATHMG FAC UTf£S, ( ; ; __ Pfnr3te Cotiages for FamilieS. I i jrr. a. 8iMPsos, Manag> r. • —- — ~ I W. S. LUCE Wine and Soiritj Merchant Oampimil Fire-proof 3lock, MERCHASTST. HONOLULU.