Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 141, 18 Iune 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
J-j. E. $ Bro 'IMPOBXEES AXD DEJLL££S IN Qroceries, Provisions Axn Peed, EAST CORNER FORT 4 KINGiSTS. New Goods Rec’d Dy every Pack6t from the Ea-stern Sutes anJ Euro(e. Fre»h California Prodnce by ever\ steamer. ,ill orders fa thfollv attentbd to, and Go«k1s deliverel to anv of th* -ity FREE OF CUARGE. lsland Or>lers Solicited. Sat>sf»ction Guarante>sL . Post )(hee Box N ». I4ō. Tele».bone Nn. 92.
OOEANIC St eamsliipCo Tirae Table. LOCAL LINE. S.H.' ‘AUSTRALIA. Arr Honolnhi Le»rt Uooolnln i om S, P, — ror S, F. Feb. ‘24 Mar. 31. Mnr. ‘24 Mar. 3. \|»r. 21 Apr. ‘28. May 19 M«y. 2t3. June 16 J une 23. Throuejh I-<ine» Fiom San Fran. fur Sydney. Arrive Honolnlu Alai ieda. Mar |*osa Moi iw.ii Alm »eda. M .r poaa ' M->i 'wai Aiai ieda. Mar posa Mor owai Mar 15 Ai»r 12 May 10 Juue 7 July 5 -• •• Aug 2 Aug 30 Sep 27 . .. Oct 25 Froi i Sydney for San Frand.sco. Le;ne Honolulu. Mar posa • Moi owai Al .1 >eda. Moi owui Alai ieda. Mar poea I Maowai Alai ieda. Kerosene Oil. ‘ THE ALOHA,’ H : gh Gr..d» Oil. Price M-xlerate. at T. H. 0AUIE8 & Co. n>y!6 Im F. GERTZ. 11AS KE OPKNKll HIS Boot & Shoe Store, Opi >s te tne Ciub SUbIe on F<>r Slm>t. and wiil be g >d to ! see iis oKl fnenda m.iy7-tf. Long Branch BATH1NG Establishment. T1 ia First-class Bathing Besort bas been enlarged and is now opei to ihe public. li is ihe best plaee on ihe isiands io enjoy a Im th and there is no better plae .* to lay od. Special aeeommod dions for Ladies. Tramcars pass the door every baif bouracd on S »turdays aod Sundays every fifUx n minuiea. C. J. SHERWOOD Proprietor. i