Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 141, 18 Iune 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
. POUND MASTER’S NOTICE. i ' N.)tice is ber,'by giren to all pe -. t. .t , t>.ere are at the Gorernmeut Poun.i i.t M«kiki. s x strsje«l horses. , 1 poor iwl hone*. white spofs on tl.e f. rt- , ■ hea-t an<! hnek, hrtnded lt) on ihe n,;nt i p ‘ ■ *n<i WS on th« ltft. , 1 poor eh«-stnttt eoloi bor>e. whi e <p >t j on tho foreheod, rrhite left hind leg, br j.d I ■ j iadesenb*b eoa both iight !eft ljp- ) nwam eolore«l h irse. «hite sp>t- on t»e forehe.«d and b.rk, brm<ie.l SM ngat 1 ir.d leg. hiu. 1 !e®s »re »hite. feet »re sho- . . I <lipple-l h-*ree, bnmd indescnt* Lle > n ’ ihe l«ft hin 1 leg. ; I poor red b«irse, «hite »pot ōh t!eb (<. hin<l lesj» <vre wlnte. feet *r» »bo,l, bi >.td ui.lescnb-hle on me left hip. 1 grer horse, «hite spot on the f.rebrd; »hite liiud !egs, biaad indescribnhio oo tae i iight hind leg. r Anr perv»n or persons o«ae 1 l ,«»» 1 hon» m re>{ae8ted to eume aud take tne on or ū?fore 12 o‘«dock noon SaT 'B- , DAY, JTXL»th, lsfH JAMES KPK 'N «, • | Poond M« r ir. llakiki, June )Sth. 1«U. 1- . di ī >sotice to the Pabl e. s; i. i\ Tbe undtr? ; gned re?pe:tf Uv eives notic<? that. eommMKi tg wjth next MOND\Y. JL T N1. 1. fb. they w:Si begin the eonopilauoi of a new trade directory for the 8K«nds. Sl> ro»nr icferior and enreliab!e publīc*tions of thit ii id haviog been toi9U«i upon tfce nb> I*e, mates it iroperalive thut t >lirōctory e-Milamin? «ccur;te nd rrl:jbte inf. rrnati »3 te B*irg th«*rc52d'y »cq'ait,fed wilh t«iē needa of ihe pe».p{e >u UiĪ9 we «5St the «app-H eo operatinn of ihe roer«*h nt> “f lionoiulu ai«i ptrs«>R3 tbrv ugt>ui iLe la auUā. C. S. BRADFOR) r J. C r JLY. juae 16-U , i