Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 141, 18 June 1894 — BASEBALL. [ARTICLE]
The Kams W:n Aga>n Tb» g>rne between the Hiwaiis and ihe Karn> last S.«turl»v v is certainly not a go*d one ahhoe it heeame iotertsting oa aeconnt uf the close shave the schoolb( vs had. .Nune of the nines p!ayetl i well, but tlie Kams have got the 1 advHnttge that they play iot aioue wdh the r bacds and fe?t. biit a!so with theirbeads. If ihe Hawaiis wouiil stop gett ug ' nitt!e«l they u»ight yet be lbe; champions of tbe season. But thev won’t. The foliowing is ’he j ° ■ scoro; ( K V>* K > VII n« ». >»!««.■>* \lt. K. BH. O. \. E. VabiikaSb. 5« i 9 5. • 1. t*ah.>\i. e 4 2 2 .*> 0 K.'ki. r 4 0 0 1 0 ( Iid<!sjit. I b f> 0 2 13 2 t K.wnei. e. f 4 1 2 2 0 | Meheali I, f 5 0 1 0 1 1 , . WW, 3 h.. 4 I 1 0 1 1 ] Kn.vskv, ». s ... 4 1 I 13 ( i Leuiou, p 4 0 2 0 3 1 Tntal 39 6 13 27 16 , 1 l\V \IIS. IlKO. AB. U. BU. O. A. I • wāiw. i b i 2 u t ; Lnnhiw«, r. f .... 4 2 3 2 0 > • Ktne, 1. f 4 1 1 0 0 < : Pryco, e 4 0 0 6 2 •; ; Ahi«, p 4 0 0 2 ."> <> ' Capide.f 4 0 0 0 0 <' e 1 Th‘<nij>son, 2 b ā 1 2 4 6 | CUrk, 3 b 4 0 1 2 2 !, i Hnrt, 8. 8 ....... ”> 0 0 0 f ) i To»a! 30 ō 0 27 0 3CORE BY IXNTNGS. Clci.s. 234 5 6789 { K;«nebnn>ehas ;0 2000 3 0 0 1—( Hawaiw 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 2—; 1 Time of p:»ue—1 hour ō0 mimle-. Kiinaeunie.l- Ksro«-hamehas 2; Haw»iis 2 B,»s3.s on hol s—by Lem >u 3; by \! i:v Straek onl—hv L* :uou 1; by Ahm 4. I. 1 <>n bases--Knn)ehamehus 6; H«wai s * Tw >-b:se hil—Liud*<y. Thrte-*>rtse h t-- j ! uinoi. Doul> e play—l homps >a ;<id J > W liis. Pasa6d t>alls—Pahuu 1; Pr ee j Hit hy {ritobed ball—Ahia. Unrpīrvs «'. Crabi») au l AI. K. Kuoiiakalok. S.air. A. l’eTry, G:\mefl G\n>c« Oime? 1 erWon Lost playcd c.’nt'<e Kauia 4 2 6 .<>?7 i Hawaiia. 3 2 .*> . ’iK) Cie3cent3 14 5 .2J0 Judgo Fre:tr will re.»d a hi ito.*ieal paj>er on the “Evolutiou <> the Hawaiian Jndiciry’ J at tl ( : IIistoricrt1 Socioty. I i Sans Sonoi was visited !>y a - large uumber of people yesteida who all enjoyed the fine bataii j ! and excelleut eui*ine of hoi: ' Simj\son. A nuuaber ot' jieople \vere pr.ve i. at the H«>tel i.ist S«turday ev< i,i g ; whtu the b:\nd seren-.de Ca ita n j Houdlette in bonor of hīg jubii«€. Merch\uts in Honolulu i<ree?ut‘l I bi n with a p<ir.se of in r ( >g t:on of his s rvices.