Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 141, 18 June 1894 — A BLAZE. [ARTICLE]

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A Coaple of Hcuses Burn Down. Tfce town was Ala.riced resterdar mr-rnin<j bj the bre ikinp out of a fire in tbe c< nter of the town, ahieh resniteit i i tbe destrn«ion of two bni!d:nf> oceap:ed br a nnml>er of peop e. The fire was noticed aboot n;ne o'eloek «n tbe morning in the rear of tbe bailding rented bv Geo. Lineoln. Ltces S{>er.cer { the Bcl! Tele phone Company saw the smoke fn>m Li>» ofiice ;md tnm“d in tlie alarm. The t Lemieal Engine nas the first r . the sc«ne. bnt the fire was thtn spreading With great rapiditr. lt w,»s er dent tfcat the hor.ses ..»d boen barning for some tirne b *fore the fire was noliee l. Fortanate!y there w:.s vorr !iltle wiul or the !icuse.s belw< en tbotse destrored a ul Bethel street wonld be in ash«-s. The fire depar n ent responded promptlv. but iiil n >t w >rk as weil as iu forn*er dars. There s emed to be a laek of jndgment i»nd kuow!edg whieh s!i«m!d not be tt;tFTnt«d. Chief Hn.it was ;»t Littie lb ton wlien t!iefire was anB* unced ;n«l couseqoentiv arrived wheu th«* ll:»rnes liaJ eoutroI. Migister Kiug did excel!ent work aml it is dn«j to h m that the sl»oj>s aud ofilces occuj>ied by Redward ml Pliillij>s and •! tl»eir ueigbb>>rs .lid»»’t burn down. Messrs. Jofcn Nult and C E. Wllliaais, !>ot! o!d fireiuou, also i«ssisted mater dly. A det»ch i inent from th • Tukaobiho w;»s ; sont ash'»ro w th a pump and | oper»te«l fioi» the reur nf tl»e buildings That uo eugine was stationed i » Mevchant street where there i • a cistern, and w!iere so mneh valuable propertv is lacatad wa> a sajirise to all. The fire is &uj>posed to have started in a rooiu mākai side of Kube’s tobacct store, but huw it ōrigiuated will rem«in a mvsterv. Tho buii«linps ■« , ere sole!v used for shops and st >res and uobody were living ii tliem. Tlie jto- • perty ,destrov(d is: T’,io house owued by E. S L'uni. i ■ i,d oeeu- . pied bv W. >V. Wr , rl it as a c»rriage iuanuf«tctory. ThebuildI ing w.«8 insm?d for and Wright ba.Si»u insnrance of $2000 on Lis sti>c< in baud, tools etc. His loss v.ili not be eovored, thongb, by tiiatj.imo«ut as he had abont s.x carri ige.s uuder bailding and a numoer for repair. In the sti>ne huiliiiup was tae olHee n of MoCorrist'n, who runs an exjiress business. Tbe fire didu't i reach bisoffice and lie succeeded i m g«,-ttir.g his furnitnre out throagh P.e ass!st inee of willing frionds. It is to be regretted that Ned Imhetf who assisted evervwhme b oke his left ann iii helping to reiuove McCorristou’ss.ifo. N d is arouml to-dav \vitli his ann in band.tges ai.«l : will have to »lo the one-anne.l act for a monlli or t\vo. A chinese paiuter had s >me stock I ia tlie opper | art of the bui!<ling aud lcst it «11. He ha 1 no iasnranee. Tlie next bu !diug w»s tha property of the Vou Holt cst«te aud w:isnot insured. Il was ooenpiei' by Knbey whose stock is iasur>>d for a Portuguese sboo :.»ker wholost iuost of his stoek (. iarlt*s M )iteao the lvarber, whos stytf was all sared aud tne Haw; ii Furniture Co.. a i recently est iblished l>asiuess Young Nap’s c:gar storo was uot buruetl down bat his stock w«s destrovo*l. He holds an iusurnnee of $ōOfl. Ke*lward s adjoiu- • ing shop was scorched, and he was d inHge«' to the amount of aboat $100.J<>hn Phitlips* plnmh ing shop auJ *‘Legislative Hall’’ wassived foi whieh all royalists are tru!y tl sukf.il. W hile the fire departmt nl is being severely criticized. tha abfe assistiace of 1 inany of the jK1 time firemeu is ‘ wortbv of eolioe. Besi>les ihe , veterans a!nadr mentionedJim Keawe and ieo. B.»rker were to I I tbe front. The williugness to > “save” fhat is so characteristie ; of any crot d &rooud a fire was also paromirTut yester.lay. As a resuU, sever .i saviors' will have { eignrs and c!garelte*, froits «nd >' tools fur t!»e cōmirg week. Th< > | owuers will pr >bab{y have uotb1 i tuing. Tbe Attoroey-Geoer«l wa; 1 persunally directtug tbo remowl > by Cbiueso drays of melonsgrape| end usd ihe poiiee dui

* gec.CTafly tery good-work-e=Jcesii^. • «ng to scd fro. Br:ckboildiogs wiil now take tbe pUee of t»e bnrced down sbanties »od materially improre the appeamnee of tbat part of the city.. While the ;owLer>»are aboot it they might as «ell tear the remsining shanties in the block down acd make one job of it.