Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 141, 18 June 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

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Tiu' 1 it( st pii7j:'e; Wbo e.m iiiul .Vl(lricb I Wliut is the nuitter \vitb Lecocq L \rsen aml his spies? They siv tbat Jiilly Aktrich vvent up in smoke yesterrlay at the fire. People who owns propcrty slionkl insure it. Thoso who dou t always regret it after a fire. ho >track Dilly Pattersou'' is no lougcr the bere—it is; “V\ iio’s seen Billy Alflrich?’’ Nt xt S»tunlty the Cresceuts aml Haw.uis will play baseball — at l- ast it is to be hoped that it will bo hae.’hall. The beuefit perforraance for Jerry Conuor whioh will tak«> plnoe uext Thursday sboukl be iargt»ly patroniz"J by Jerry s friemls. The Mivs>*s Wur:l, Parker.Neuinann aml Fmkler who are making a cirou>t of Oahu on horseback aro at pr- sent ruaticatiug iu Wuialua. Dont t rget tbe fresh inv.»ic? o{ l>.v'k Be-r at ihe Aachor. Guun’einni is a «loc'SH6 m;\any this ti-ue. and no Maepiea ou it either. Dr. George H«'rbert, a most f*opnlar physLoi«n, who has re-->itle«l for a umuber of years on Maui mtenJs to mon to Hoaolulu iu tbe near future. A naml»er of j»eopJe got theii Sumlay-go-to - meetiug - clothes »et by oeeaaional showers frum tbe hoses ilnring tbe fire. Soice of the firemcu tbongut tbat tbe tiiTe was on tbo other side of the stre«'t. It Bra.lfor\i and CUj in ui ik ; iig a coiup:ete , ar.d oorrect «lireotory they will b< ,le*ei»u:g of puhlie t;iauks. Aii c.kisens »hoold «xtead a eonl’.a »upport ko tue eaterprising youn$ genUvueu,