Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 141, 18 June 1894 — Need Practice. [ARTICLE]

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Need Practice.

Tbc Pbi!ade)pbia inen will pro baV>ly )>e lando l tomorrov for a <ihore drill. It 1« ander«tood tbat they will eome fn!ly eqaipped. aud rea‘ssafne tlteoid costora froni tt.e days of Wiltze of parading tbe town onee a week or raore. The boys are CT>dent'y getting ‘mstv’ bv tbe:r inacimtv. and A.lrairal Va!ker wants thera to l>« ;r/ij>ed. T We also onder't.vn 1 that the Japauese sail rs will l>egin shore-drill. Tb» different war-vessels will probably Und a!ternatively.