Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 141, 18 June 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
DAIN1PP0X Hotel street 1 ArIlngtos BIock) Ti» liwn S!oi» !Kv:Ttd u»cb« Iaiwr ol JapANESE $H-K f a:;cy Goods. Pcr S. S. “China ” — BEAUTIFUL SIUK JAND CRAPE, Drr«s (ta>k ia «1! p2ai:> »a.i l'u>ia.'n-, T*b!# Cot*iv, B*dC<>Ter*, flovn«, Cht 3ii»«s«, Sh»v!». Si \'wf Hainkm Silk All Color» F*m'T DrAjvri.~A EIBBOIDEBED HiNDXEP.OHIEFS DoiUirs. So»rfs Sts!u>s C .■»]«, Eto., Eto. NOVKI.T(i;S: The Piioe» ol tUeso Goods viil a*tonī»U \on iuciadins ELEGaNT 8iLK KIM9N08I Han Ls.j3!- Cig;'.relto C<tses, Piu Cn*luotw, Silk Te;l I.lKliE IMI SMILL JliMNK.SK Kl'l.N Silk Uiubrell49, lii<ht bnt stm'ng; CLttir Sa.i<UoH. 8ilk; lvtiuhoo Kliuila, titto.l vith pnllev«; Silk Lnmp Sha.lt-*, n. w styio. JA PA N KSK «f KF.EN«, Kroiu #;« l |>. UliliE Jir.>E,S! I'IKKKLL > L** enn be 8et vith pole in the 1, nips for Pieiiioi. or Lunohe* ont of >li~>rv, theT enu bo upeuoei out or Uso<l as a tout. GOTTON tIvAl’KS IN UKEAT VAR'KTY Le^It» s i>TCtion K.-*p»otfiiIly Iurite.l. MRS. J. P. P. COLLACO, Proprietre33. Aprl 2-3.ii» C.T. AKA\A f|6Pctia!]ti īailoi* 1 321 Nauanu Streot -A-Il Snitw CTuaranteecl To Fit anJ in the LuU.-.st ”StyIe. Clothes eienneil and Ropaiioil. no!7
THE COMMERCIAL 3ALOON, Harry Klemme, Manager Cor. Naa inn 6eretinia sts. llooolulu, U. J. j 1 lie Only Sp -rt ng Hoaso in Town. O. J J . S. a Specialitv. LOIIEXGBl.N T IAGER |BKER, Always on I>r#aglit. 2 GL.\SSES FOR CENTS. Best of Jl inef t Ln/uors, and Ci£ars, ALWAY8 ON HANU. jol tf NOTICE. At h aieetiog of the stockholder*of tbe HOLOMLA FCBLISH ING CO. fLimiieii) helj ou tbe 2ōtlt inst. tbe followiug person.s were daly elected officers for thu eosaing year: Chas. B Wilsox .Pre*ident r«D3ii vd Norrie .. \ ;ce-Presideut ....... Srn:retary O. E Smithie.'? Tre.»Horer *• AuJitor board or xa.tio. bs: C TV. AsH7l>CD > A. P. ī ETtlRROX A>D jf. HaR!UsO.V. O. E. Sjuthiīs. 8eoi»Ury.