Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 141, 18 June 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Company
Tb« Advertiser who cat<*hes « persons eve u<a«llv wins a enstooier. Many dirferent stvies of a<.lvertisin£ h.ive heen «dopted sud witb mon.* or ie-.s suctvss. by the believers ia the use of printers ink. The maaafacturers of Pean» boap. for instance, t>ceasion ally bnv painlinp» that have been on exhibitiuu in the P >ri's Salon and bave 1 itf» <»raphs made fron> them fi>r the parpose <»f bringing t ieir pr xl ict bef<»re the |ieopie. la additioo t » - »oh . side issues, Pearsj>ends hnn<lreil> thousauds of d<dlars annaa!ly amoDg the nuwspapers and magazmes. Some years ago the Ageuts ..of certain article on sale iu New York made h hit in advertising by havmg on Broadway dnring bosiuess hours t»o fatluesslv dressed' Negroes wearing very higli c »ilars. on the backs of whieh w.is pnnted 4 ‘l’se Snuths Pills.’' Tiie ide.t was novel aod the pulilie v caught on. Rising Sun Stove Po!isli has bee i kept l»efore th<‘ puhlie for ye.-»rs throagh }»ersisteut, and sometimes expensive advertising. Twenty o»l<i years ago the manufacturers of this polish started half a dozen men acrosstbe orniment to sigus on rocks and fences. Tue Aermotor Co., of Cuicago bave increased its sales more than five bundred per cent in two vears by tbe use of priuters iuk. We beheve we have Keen in.strumental in increasing the sdes oL tbe Aemotor by keepingeverlastingly at it in llawiiii. We do not wish to say that advertisfog will sell any manufactured article; thore is uo uso spending money in advertising "eheap and nasty” goods bethe i>eoplo will not bo hoodwinked. lf Havil,»nd Ohina was not tbe snperior article 4 it i-», all onr udvertisiug of it woukl not have sold the tbousands of pieeea that we huve. Wo siraj»iy eall the atteution of the people to it and its superiur quality is a}»parent to the customor directly a pieee of it is ex»mined. Printei-s ink hashelj>ed the sale of the JHine.« Locked Feuce but it woald not have dones so if »t had beeu as fiinisy as the or dinay wire feuce. First; tho economy there is in l>uildiog it recommeiids it to the plaaialiou uiauager aud then ifs durubility elinehea the the sale If the stays and washerscost as inneh as au ordiuarv , redwo<al post our salos of tbe material would not have reached such euormous proportions.
Our average sale of tbe Pansy Iron Stove is aboot two a day the year round. if wus not tbe best iroa stovo oa tbe markct we would not sel! that many m six months. Advertising is the tip to the pabl:c the good points in thekrticle sells it ju>t a» tbe good quaiities of the Fiscber Steel Kange make it a desirable articie f'»r people who wiah toeconomise iu the use of i’uel. e buy only wbat bas proven good ufter people in the L*nited States or Europe have given it a trial; we profit by their experiuce if iho articles are goood we buy and sell tbem; if they are poor we sU?er clear of Uiem. When we a-lverii.se an art»cle it is to attract attention to it; tbe new»(>aper ; s the batton we posb, the salesman doea tbe rest. Persislent adverti»ing conpled with the art;clo bemg a superior ona has »oIJ tboosamU of the Frank Walcot Ernory File. If it had been m> better than au ordinary »cytLa stone wo probabfv would not have sold twenty. When a man finda out that his Ub!e kuives may be kepl3h.rn at ail timea at aa expjnse of fifty cents and a rery litlle elhow gre.ise be is quito wilhng to try the eipenmonL Tfce Himiu Hartf2n Co. IW f«t SirMl'