Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 140, 16 June 1894 — Death of Doctor Foote. [ARTICLE]

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Death of Doctor Foote.

The many friends in these is1hik1s of Do ttor Gilbert Foote will bo grievrd to he:\r of the death of the ti;lentod youug physician. I)r. F iote expired in his home in C\lifornia, ou the *29th of M»v. Death wns u relief to him as ho lmd suffero<l sorely for mitny mouths. He was, as his friends will remember taken j serions!y ill h-*re sometimes ago, and was obIig» d to seek the care jof the Queen s Hospit.il. His f ttber, a welM nown physician iu Califoruia, eame dowu liere ;ind his presence h dped mueh to encounge the lyiug man. The father brought the son horae and tbnre he expir»-d under the loving care of parents and relatives. The deceased had resided for several years in these islands Ko was ahip’p doctor ou oue of the Oeeanie Steamship Company’s vessels, and remained bere after om- of his trips. He was n govern uent physioian in Hawaii for s< metime aiul ihen moved to H >nolulu where he made hosts o friends and est«blishod an >xcellent practice. — AJways geni il, always ready to heip an<l adm oister to the sick. ; an«l h!w.hvs charitable. 0|>en hearted and ree were the main charact«risti<.!S of the deceased physician. > any a »nan and womnn wbo hi s benefited bv his %. skill aud kindi ess wili remember him with gratitnde.