Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 140, 16 June 1894 — That Resolution. [ARTICLE]

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That Resolution.

We quote tbs fo!lowing from tbe Cougres> onal RecorJ of Jnne lst. Mr. Tnrpie—ī am JirecteJ by tbe Coraa»ittee on Foreign Relations to repor: « re*>lation. and to for its ir tmeJiate consider ation. The resolotii n was read as (ollows: T mt of rigbt it beb>i!gs whol!y t tbe peopie of tbe Hawaiiao I»Ui Js to estab!isb a»J lu iiolmn tbeir iwn fonn «>f govermt>eut and Jomestic polīcy; tbat tbe U. S ought iu nowise interf»-re tbere*.itb. aaJ tbat nny Uiterfer«nce i.i the polilieal MtUirs of thos* Isl:inJs by auy <>ther govern(D> nt vri!l be regarJ-t-J us itu act iufriendly to the l uited StMtes. Mr. Turpie: —T(iis resolation is preseoted aa a substitate for the nne beretofore rep»»rted by the comniittee. !t was aaanimoosly »JopteJ by tlu couiinittce, nmi I tliink represei ts' «11 abades of | opinion npon t le tioor. Mr. Miilsof T>-xas: — I simply want to st;ite t iat I recogoize tbe right of the (>o »ple of the Hawaii ixii Is!anJs to nstitnte their owu j govornment. h» they rnay please. lt is oot that j>;irt of the resoln i tion against whieh I snall vote. Tlie governnu it of the U S. having pl.iceJ tlie j>eoj»le of the I Hiiwaiiaii LslanJs unJer h miliia ry j»ower ag iinst whieh they ! have no j»owei to protect them se ves, l shoul I siiuj>lv vote that it is the Jnty < f this government lo tear Jown that oligarchy whieh it Iihs e tnblished by force and jK»rmit t ie peopie of the Hawaiinn Isli nJs to mstitute : their own government. ■