Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 140, 16 Iune 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

i Business Cards MACFAilLANE <fc C0. Dealers in Wina and Spirilg KaAhcm«na Street, Honohihi. , i H. F. BERTELMANN, CON’TEACTOR AND BUILDER,' 86 King St., Bell Telephoue 107. H. E. McINTYRE & BRO.. * Gbocebt, Feed Stobe & Bakebt, Corner of King aml Fort Sts., Honoluln F. H. REDWARD, CONTRACTOR axd BUU»'ER, No. 506 King Street, Honololn, Hawaiiun Islamls. HARR1S0N BROS., ‘ CONTRACTOR8 AXD BU1LDERS, 208 Fort St., Honolnlu. r r ' " J. PHILL1P8. ! PRACTICAL PLCMBER, GAS.FITTER T)PPER-SMITH, House and Ship Job Work Promptly Executed. No. 71 King Street, Honolula. BRUGE CARTWRICHT Busiuess o( a Fuluciary Kature Tr»nsacted. Procipt attention siven to tbc managemeut 1 of Estates, GMarJianships, Trusts. etc., ’etc., etc. 0jfices, : Ca.iivriyhl BuiUhng, Merchant StreeC Honolulu Dr. Ed. Armitage, M. R. C. S. {Eng.l L. R. C. P. [Lond.] D. P. H. [l'niversity of Canipliridge] t late of >V a imca, lsland of Kauai. HAS ESTABU8HED HIMSELF 1N* THE offioe formerIy occnpied by Dr. Foote. oomerof llereUiuiH and Puuelihowl StreeU. — 0FFICE KOURS; — 9 to 11 a.m.: 2 to 4 p.m.; 7 to S p.m, 8om»\vs: 2 to 4 p.m. Mntual Tcl. 234 (my*—) l'el.Eell 148 “FATBOY.’’ BAY H0RSE SALOON I P. M<TNERNT, pRor&icroK, Pine Liquors, Wines and Beer. Cor>er Betuel avd Hotkl Sk. CHAS. CIR0LER, Importer auei Gommission Meivhant SPECIALTH«: J. A P. ('oaU’ Maehiae Tht**d JouasJBrooka Maohine Th>ead Barbv'ur’s Liaen ThreaJ pHn'So^> P. O. Box 358, Mnmal^elephonep» 13 Kulmawo Street. M. LOSE, . >sotary- Puhlie. Collecior and General Bu*iness Agent PiUenlee of Losk’s Ohkmioal Couroom> for Clarifmng Cane Jutce. ISub-Agent for $everal of the Be* FIRE ĪNSURANCE C0S . )|ataal T«ephew ». P. 0, Box ». K«xAul MH, [HmIiIi,