Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 140, 16 Iune 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
I Inmira noeN otices. , Iaife & Marine IMSURANCE. HARTFORD FiRE INSURANCE CO., Assets, $ 7,109,825.49 LONDOX LANCASHIRE FIRE INS. CO., Assets, $ 4.317,052.00 THAMES MERSEY MARINE INS. CO.. Assets. § 6,124,057.00 NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO.. Assets. $137.499,198.99 C. O. BEHGER, Geiiera! Asent for the Hnwaiian Is : ande. lionoiulo FIRE & MaHINE. ( * THE UXD£RSI6NED IS AUTHOIUZED T0 TAKE FLRE \kd MAKINE RIHKS ON I3uildiii2:s, Merchaudise, ldulls, Caro;oes, Frei<*hts and Commissions AT CURRENT RATES. IN THE FOLLOWING COMPANIES, viz: Royal Insurance Company, - LiverpooL MLianee Assurance Fire umL Marine, Lomion Wilhelma of Mad$ehuro Getierai lnsurance Co * Sun Insur'ance Company, - San Francisco .1. S. WAI iKEU, AeeiU for ltawaiian Islands. Telephoxes: Bell 351 Mutual 417 Residekce: Muiual 410 P. 0. Box 117 E. B. THOMAS, C0NTRACT0R and BUILDER Estimates Griveu on All Kinds or , iron, m * woooen mm All Kinds of Jobbing in the Building Trade f Attended to. 3CEEPS FOR SAJLEs Btki, i.nne, Cemeot. Iron Stone Pipe and Fittmgs, OId A Ne« Corrug»ted Iron, Minlon Ti!ee, Qo»rty Tiles, assorted sizes and colors; CaliforuL* «nd Monterey Snnd, Onnite Curbing aad Bloclta, etc.. etc. 1Corncr King A Smith Sts. Office Hours, «to ta U., «to 4 P M,