Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 140, 16 June 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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\], E, McInxy*Iē ;iiIPOBTERS AXD DEALERS tN Oroc5eries, l 3 rovisions axi> Feed, EAST CORNER FORT <t KING,STS. New Goods Rsc’d Dy every Packet from the EUstern States aoJ Eurote. Fresii Califoruia ProJuce bv every ste:imer. *J1 or«.lers fa tfafully atterule<l t*>, arul GohU <leliver«?<l to auy part of tfa<- city FREE (JF CHARGE. lslanJ Orlars S»Jlicite-l. Satisfaction Guiranteed. Post (tflice Rox N *. I4ō. Te!e;>hone N>>. 92.

PACIFiC SAL00i(. Coraer Kin*? and Nnuann ?trt>ete. EI)\V. WOLTER.... Mam ger. Tiie Finest selec;ion o( LIQL'OKS »nd j BEER, sold anywLere in th« towu. First-class attendence. Call <nd jndge I (or yon»el(. n< SD-*f. The “Eagle House” Foi ShhLE. j The Leasc and fhe Good U'ill of ifiis Favr rite Family Hoiel. « THERE AHE FOUR DETA- | CHED Cottages aoneXtd t> Uie I Hntel snitab!e f <rprivate (amilies. The main bi;ildinp con;iins 20 Bed Hooms l irgp I>initi£ «Iloom. P:trlor, etc. The farnit irt ;s all •eleg:uit and in g<»od conditi»n. !_ The Grotmds ire be;.ntif d'y laid loulin Trees, Floweis, FeiuS, and other Plants. This business ean bebr night al i a b irgiin on easy tenns as lo paynienl. f*“App!y to T. E* KPvC USE, Arimgton Hotd olHee. may 9— tf Rrst Semi-anDual ExiiibilioQ \ ART LEAGUE. AT KINGS ART GALLERV. HOTEL STREET, Open from June 9th to Jidy 9th, Exhibition of oil paintmg, wate co!ors, pastels, 8cuipturi, woo carving and Chma paiiiting. . Adtnission - - .2) cents. June 9-1 ms. :Sans Sanci H0TEL. WAlEiEl, HONOLLLU. C irst-Cfass Aeeommooations for fourists and /slcnd Cuest$$UPERlOR BATHING FACIUTiES. Prhrate Cottage» for FimiHeS. Jir. A. SLMPS0S. Mmag- r. W. S. LUCE Wine and Soirit Merchaiit OimpUU Fire~proof BioJc. MK&0HANT 8T. HOKOLULU.

SteamshipCo Time Table. J jOCAL LIXK. A U STIl A.L I A. Arri e Hon lula Leave Honolnln fr ra S, F, ror S, F. ] 'eh. 24 Mar. 31. I Iar. 24 Mar. 3. . ,pr. 21 Apr. 28. I Iay 19 May. 26. ,) ime 16 J uno 23. Fhrousfh 1 ūneFn m San Fr.m. for Sydney. Arrivo Honolulu Alam ula. Mari(*oea i Mone w;«i Alam )da. M«ri]osa M«*nowai Alam )da. Marij osa Mouowai . Mar 15 . Apr 12 , May 10 Juue' 7 ,Joly 5 Ang 2 Aug 30 .Sep 27 . Oct 25 From Sydney for San Francisco. Leuve Honolulu. Kerosene 011. • t;se aloha; High Grade Oil. Price M "derdle. at T. M. DAVIE8 & Co. myl6 liu J \ ai5RTZ. II\S KE-OPBNKD H1S Bo Dt & Shoe Stor< Opp *s te tbe Clnb - SUb?e on F<>rt Street. and will be gh.d to aee bi? old fnends. may7-tf. Long Branch BATHING llstablishment. Tbis First-cUss Bathing Resor( bas 1> en enlarged and is now open 13 the puhlie. It is the beot pl lee on ihe UUnda to enjoy a batfc and there is mo better plaee t) Uy ofl. SpecUl aeeommodati >ns for Ladie& Trmmcan pass tho door every haJf hourand on Sati Bnndays my &fteen ninaiaa. Q. J. SHERWOOD fnpMn.