Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 140, 16 June 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]

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Hawaiian Hardware Company

; ■■ The Advertis*>r who catches a persons eve u-Ji.iliv w«i-j a ■ costomer. M»nv didereat >tyIe-< 1 of advertising h«ve beea »«io|>tevi *nd w.tb mon* or le» >Utves>. l»y the believer> in the n>e of printere īuk. Tbe ru*nufacturen» of Pears So«p. for inst«nce. occasion ally buv paintings that bave been on eibibit»ou in the Pari's SaIon and have Iithograph> n;ade from the»D for the pnrpose «»f briogiog tbeir produet before the }>eopie. In addition to aueh side i>sues, Pearspends bnndreds thous.mds of Jol!:iis aunouliy «mong the uevrspajH>rs and mng;«zines. Someyears ago the .Agents of cerbiin article on sale m New York nnule a hit in advertisiog by baving ou Broatlway during business hours two fallaessty dressed Negroes wearing very high coliare. ou the b.tcks of whie'i w.ts j»nnted “Use Smiths Pills.‘’ Tho idea wns novel and the pnb!ic canght on. K.sing Snn Stove Polish has been kept before the public for ye«rs throngh pereistent, and soinetimes expen>ive advertising. Tweuty cdd yeare ago the mannfacturere of this potish started ha!f u dozeu uien across the ornimeut to p.iiut sigu> on rocks and fence.s. Tlio Aerraotor Co., of Cbicago ha\e incrensed its sales raore than tivo bundred per cent in t\vo years by the use of printere ink. We believe we have beeu instrumeutal iu increasiug the >des of the Aeraotor by keepiugeverlastingly ut it in liawaii. We do not wish to say tbat advertising will sol! any manuiae1 tured article; there is uo uso spending inouey in ailvertising •’eheap and nasty” goods bej canse the (>eople will not be hoodwinked. lf Haviland Ohiua was I not the superior article *it is, all our advertising of it woutd not i have sold the thuasandsof pieces i that we buve. We simply eall the atteutiou of tho people to it ; aiid its superior quality is appareut to the custoraer directlv a . pieee of it is exaiuined. Printers iuk ha> helped the sale i of the James Lockod Fence but ■ )t would not h ive dones so if it had | been as Hirasy as the or din«\ - wiro fence. First; tbe econoiuy there is in bnilding it rocomraonds it to the plantation manager and tben its durability clinches the the salo If tho stays nnd wasberscost as mneh as an ordinary i redwood post onr sales of tbe raaterial would not have reacbed snch enorinoas proportions. I Our average sale of the Pansy : Iron 8tove is abont two a day the year round. 1 f not tbe I best iron stove on the market we wouhl not seii tbat maoy m six raontbs. Advertising is the tip t"> the pobi:c the good poiuts in tbearticie seils it just as the good : qna!ities of tiio Fiaeber bteel Kaoge make it a desirtbio article for people who wisb to eeonoini,se . in the nsa of fnel. We bny only whal bas proven ; gootl after people in the United • State« or Europe have giveu it a j trial; we profit by their experince | if tbe articles are goood we bny and sell them; if tuey are poor we steer dear of them. When we adrertise an article it is to at- ; tract atteotiun to it; tbe« news- ■ paper : s tfce button we posh, tbe salesman does tue rest. Perelstent advertisiug coap!ed * with the article being a snperior ; one has sold thoosands of tbe Frank Waicot Emory File. If it | had been no better than an 0r- ; dinary scytba atooe we probably | woaid not hare so!d twenty. r When a man finds ont tbat, bis : table knives msy bo keptsh»q) at [ »11 times ai an expjn.se of fifly : cents aad a very liiile elhow : gre.ise he is quite williug to try ; ihe expenment. ne.Hano Hoinn Ci W Fort 84m» * ••