Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 140, 16 June 1894 — NAVAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

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1 W.isbiogton, Jane 7,— A namber of important naval assigumeeU will be mnde in tbe near featnre. Cuptain Pbythi«n’s i terru as 8iiperinteadant of the Naval Academy is nearing an end. It is practical!y settled tbat be will be succeerled by Admiral Walker. now oommanuing tbe Pucific station. as soon as tbe Iatter e.m be spared from bis ' . diplom «tic fooctionsat Honolaln. I Tbis will probably be eariy in ; Angast J The *“Charle9ton.’’ wbicb has.; ja>t retorued to tbe Paofic | station frmo her vis<t to New ] York, wbere sbe iook p*rt in tbe Colombian nuval review, will be pnt in tbe diy-dock at Caitao, Pera, and piv«n a tborongb overi baaling, |cciudlng serapicg and \ pvnt ng. When the state of i utfairs iu P«ru jostifies her da1 jfc»rture; »!■« will proceed to | Honololo a id re!;eve the“Phil- ; ndalphia " Wbeu relie«red *’Pbil- ; adelphta” will proceed to San | pnnoiaoo aod be pnt in tboruogh j repair for (artbar aemee. ‘