Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 140, 16 Iune 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Baud t > night at the H >tel. r “Siss_v is ou tbe w;irp»th. « Restor.»t on lias not been js>stponed Tne sh.v>t' rs will br-*»k the S »1>1 bith U> m<>n *w <t M <kiki. Miuister Willis received s >mo • very im port.nt instractioastoday. l.ooi ont f>r the B *ck B-er st th>* Anchor. The fim >ns driok is getting sc »rce. • i ________ Thurston’s addresses to the Leagae is crowded ont ><f tliis issae. It will appearou M >nc Jay. Mr. Einm3luth ra:»de h rattling S’>eech to t : ie Le.igae iust night. It wili be )>ubiished in tho next issae. i Captain Houdlette wi!l be honored by citizens in Houplalu , ou aeeoual of bis 100th nmml > I tri P' Today Lace's miee are not ( gamey. Tl.«*y are s inply aromatic. Whero i.s the bo;mI of Heallh? Billy Conuingtiam r-c,eived a big lot of the m <st inig rficent . <>ysters and is pntting th-m inlo the soup f r the h-uefit <>f his cust>ners. lf Hi!lv cm!d h*ve i < • t > ni'i T iurft<*o ln<t iight hew<<uld , h<ve turm*fl him i<.to m »>yst»-r •»nd u >t him in tiie s »up. Toe Xorthwest-rn N;iti >nttl Ins. C hnve issu'*d a neat a lverlising UHinpliiel. It ciiitiins m11 i h:»t Oongress has he**n doing with the ) T*rtff md H»w liim qu»*sti >a-. It f>irai**he8 smi j \vry iateresting reading and illu8tr<b*3 io h ple.»s- ■ ant rn >n rer the p >.v *r >fh.*»iis «f the m?mb*r of C >ngress Mr Doyle who went to wind \vard.9 to find -an islmd wliere he 1 coald follo\v B\>eter’s principlvs has retarn»«l. He tried lo live up to the no-clolhes-fruit-eatiiig crauk's scbeme bat hail to give :t np. He h;*s oalv one baaaoa left and oae sait of clothes. He f swears off on both if \io tailo r and hotel will give him credit. | •