Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 139, 15 June 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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E. M.clrfY^ E ■IMPOETEBS AXD DEALERS IN Groceries, l 3 rovisions XXI) Feed, EAST CORNEE FORT A K ING.ST8. New 6bods Rec’d By ever\- Packet from the Eastern States an<I Earope. Fresb Cn]iforuia l’rodace bv evety steamer. A 1 or«lers fa:thfal!v t-», an<l Go <ls <lel;vereJ to anv part of the c:ty FEEE OF CflAllGE. InUn 1Or Dr-» S >licite\l. S.tt sf«ctiou Gaaranteed. Foet O fice Box N ». 145. Teie».houe No. 92.

PACIFIC 8AL00N. Comer King and Nnnann Stppel«. EDW. WOLTEH Manager. Tlie Finest selecrion of LIQrORS and I BEER, 9oId anjTrhere In the towr. First-clas3 attendence. Call tnd jndge ■ for youiseif. no ===-===^= The “Eagle Houae” Fox SiiLE. The Lease and the Good ĪT 'ill of this Favorite Family Uotel. THERE AEE FOL'R DETACHED Cott:iges annexed to the I Hotel suit;ible for priv..te f:iaiiIiP8. l The main building eon ;'ina 20 | Bed Rooms large Diniiu Koom. I i Parlor. etc. The furnit 'r * is all I • elegant and in good conditi'>n. The Grounds are beautif ;lly laid i out in TreeS, Floweis. Fe. us, and jother Planla. This business ean be br .ught at j a birgiin on easy terms as to pay- j I ment. faT“App]y to T. E- KROUSE, Arlmgton Hotel offiee. i raay 0-tf * * i First Seiiit-aDūual Exliibitioū I ART LEAGUE. I AT KING'S ART GAbLERY. i HOTEL 8TREET, lOpen frorn June 9th to July 9th, j Exhibition of oil painling, wate colors, pastels, scuij»ture, woo carving aud Ouina painting. Admiasiou - .25 cents. | june 0-1 ms. iSans Sduc1 HD r I‘EI Ji WAlKlKi, HONOEULU. V First-Cfass A eeommooafions for rourists and !s!and Guests S UPERtOR Bathihg Fac/uties, Prirate Cottagea for FamifieS. JTT. A. SIMPSOS. Manig>r. W. S. LUCE Wine and Soirit Merchant Cimpbell Firt-proof /Uoek, MKBCHAOTST. HONOLULU. »kr u * S * S| % 'V'— l'I*

ocj-:axic Sti3amshipCo Time Table. IiOCAL JLIXE. TKE COMMERCIAL SALOON, Harry Klemme, Manager Cu *. Nuuuon Beretania sts. iiouolula, H. I. Tbe Only Sp»’rt*ng Honse in Town. O. V*. S. a Specialitv L0HENGRIX LAGER «BEER, Always on Driught. 2 GLASSKS FOR 25 CENTS. Bes' of Liqiwrs, ~ajid Ci£ars, ALWAYS ON HAND. jul tf -— NOTICE. Ai a meeting of the stockholderso: the HOLOMOA PUBLISH ING CO. (Limited) held on the 25th inst.. tbe fnl)o«ing persons «erc daly elected officers for the ensaing year: Cha . B. Wilson President F. \d Noekie. . Vice-President G. I. S*ithies SecreUn G. I- SnrrHifcs Xreesorer F. J Testa...... Aoditor BOABD 07 XaXAOEBS: C. \ r . Ashfobo. A. P. PEtSf80X AM> F. Habbisos. 0. £. S)OTHTE9.