Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 139, 15 June 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
WM. DAVTES, Ri2Tger, Stevedoix' AVf) \V recker. EHTTMATBb AXD COSTBArT8 ON all kim» or *tobk. The Schouoner MAIIIMAHI, •ill rau this t»»rt »ntt iLkwaihapmi. M»knl<na, • n i-fc*,ki »a U»? udat>4 of Cmbn For Fr»»*cLi. *-Vc, mpptr to tbe «'aptain. lnquir** at of J. S. \Vaiker. owr Sj»reck‘.lh’ J3auk, or Wrinbt Hroe Fort Stroetl dee l«-tf Long Brancli BATHING Estabiishment. IhiH First-cl*Hs Bathmg KenoH hth l)»c>n enlarged and ia now open to the pablic, It is tbe best plaee on the islands to enjoy a bath «u»l there is mo better piare to Uy otf. Speoial aeeomm<slations for Ladies. Tramcars pass the door everv half bourand on Saturdays and Sundays every fifteen minntes. 0. J. SHERWOOD Proprietor DAIN1PP0N Hotel street Block.) The al>ore Store hns receire<t another S t ū«u(tid lnroioe ot »1 A PA N ESE f A.NCY Goods, Pcr S. S. “China.” —co«PM5nw— BEAUT1FUL SILK |AND CRAPE, Pr> «< Ooodn in all shade, plain and f\gured. OaahioiM, T»hle Coren», Hed Corers, Oowns, Chemise«, Shuwls. S3k Crape liainliow Silks, All Ooion Faucr Praj*erieH, EHBROIDERED HASDKERCHIEFS Onillie». Scsrfs, Si«hes, Iw ket». Etc., Ele. XOVELTIES: The Plionol the-e Ooods will astooish >vu, iooiadiBg ELEŪAN7 SILK KIM0N081 Handsoui • Cig.irette Cao««. Ptn Cnshions, St!k Tea Ooaaie». LAKIiE »SD SXiLL iAPAIEKE KUUS Silk ūtubrdl*t, Ught but strong; Chair Sa<ldle», S;lk; HuuiIkh» Blinds, fitted with pnlleys; Silk Lamp ShuJee, ne« »tyle. M>E 'CKEENS, From $3 l>, UiU.K JiPl.NBSC 1’1BKELLIS £JtV. C«n be Set wiih Pole in the git>uad, uiee for Pionu» or Lunehea oul of doon, tber emu be opeaed out or nsed *s • teut, CUTT()N CRAPES IN GHEAT VAR!ETY £3rinspection Ke»-pectfaily Inrited. MRS. J. P. P. OOLLAOO, Proprietress, Aprl3-SmB C.T. A.Kj*VSSLV īailoi" Nuuanu Street A.I1 8uits Guaranteed To Fit aud in Uie Latestt Style. eioihea Cie«ned and Bep«ired. AOll