Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 139, 15 Iune 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
āotel stre«t f A"Ungtoa Block ) Tse *boTa Rt.'r» n>rit«J uctba Spfe«jvh<i iaiWN of Japanese SlLK I J j" f NCY GoODS, Per S.S. “China. * —eeuiMOOe — I;EAUT1FUL ilLK IAND CRAFE. t rtm 0*v>T» in •!! «V .V piuo aaJ figor»d. CsjJuoa>i, T»bt» Corf o, B«idConrs fiow, Ca.'j:u«. t*hawls. N M'lv Cr.ips li;iiubow Silks, AU Oolon F*j oy Dnp«n««, IHEBOIDEBEII Hi«3IS53HIEFS ī oillioa, Sv'irf-i. Su>hf *, Jacīeto, C.1H, Etc.. Etc. NOVFJ»TIES: The IMeeaoi thc-*e Gt<i w;U astuai»h yoa, ineli. <bng 1LEGaNT S1LK KIM3NŪ3I Il*udsozue Cig<tn tt<* 1’ u C«>Uioui. Siik l eu Coasies, I.lKliE JND S>MvLL J;Pt1Ei»L RIUS Silk CaihreiUs, 1 cht bot strorg; CliHir S*«l Ues, Si k; B.imboo Hl'n-ln. t t!el with puUen; SJk Laiup Siui.it'>, aew »tyU. J tPANESE SC»EE>'S, From «3 l*p. LlR(iE J P.NE-U. UUHKELL S Can be Set wi h Pole In the <$ronnt, 0. .ir Pieaie» or inuehenoal o( toors, C «?y euu b« opeuei o .t or u»ei d» * teut. COTTOX CRAPES IX GREAT VAR'ETV 1. Respe;tfally Iuvitei. H?.S. J. P. P. eiOLL ACO, Prō,ii3trj33. A|.rl J-.'i us C.T. AKAXA []ei , c!}aiili īailoi’ > 324 Nuumu Street .\II Suits Cruarantcecl To Fit and n tbe Latest St;*le. Clothe3 Cleane-1 aml KepaireJ. nol7 THE C0M!VIERCI]1L SAL30N, Harry Klemhe, Manager C\jT. Nuaan'i i Ber<»tinla st.3. llouolu u, H. I. I TUe Only SrvTt ng Hoase ia Town. O. I 3 . S. a Specialitvi . » IiOH£XGBlX LAGER 'BEER, Alway» oa Dr«ught 2 GLASSES FDR 25 CEXT3. 3est of Wincs, Lujuors, anel Cij>ars t ALWAYS ON HAND. ial tf N01TCE. At a n3ceting of the stockhnM- } nsnf the HOLOMUA PUBLISH >NG CO. (Liiaiieel) heiil en the : 5th inst. tbe <>itowiug persun3 •?ere cluly eleeleel oficers for the < usaing year: 0fU8. B Wilsos PresiJant i Kdxuto Noann.. Viee-Pre3ul-nt IG E SxiTRiE3 Secretary {O. E SMITH123 Trettor r J, J. Tz&ta Auditor v 1 Ej\ »i! * > i r •i- » r »• W. Aa .F.,i:D. A. P i A SD k\ HAiUOhOh'. O. £. Sajthifs, laocxoUr/.