Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 139, 15 Iune 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
WM. DAVIES, Hi2Tger, Stevedoro un> Wrecker. ASD CO.VTBACl 3 ON' ALL KIM)S OP WORL. Tbe Schoooner MA.ĪI1MAHI. will rtm regaUr!jr !/etwe«n thn port and W&ialaa. Kaw.iiU-»pai. MoknUia. i-awēnj. •nd Kniki > n tbe iaUnd of Oahn For Freight, etc , apply to the Ccptaiu. Inqaire at Offic>? of J. S. lValker, ovpt Spreckels' I>aok, ,or Wrigbt Bro? Fort Strett.| dec 16-tf j — Long Branch BATHING Establishment. Thia Firet-class I>athin y Ke >or1 bas been enlarged au>l is no« open to the pohlie. It is tbe | best pUee oa tbe islands to ec.joy a bath and there is m bette plaee to lay otf. Special aee | motlatioo3 for I>adies. Trarncar* ‘ pas« the door *>very balf ho*ir in« oa Sutuiil ivs and Sandaj, ī e’.ia’ hUeen minuiea. 'J e. J. SHERWOOD .1 ?xopūetor.