Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 139, 15 June 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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The Honolol i Amatenr Ath!etio | Club will meet to murrow evening ■U 7;30 p. m. al the Y. XI. C. A. Uall and eieo’.il* whit pnrt the C!ub ehall take 5n the 4th of July I eports. It i» said ia the club tb »t a thoronghlv competeut man Barney Ordenstein, is to be fired to j make room fur a political tramp i who has a pull—but has uot I registered. There is a mDve on foot to “do soraething” for Ciptain Houd- ' lette of tho Anstralia when he arrives tomorroW. It will be his I00th round trip heiween' San Francisco and Honolula. The City Carriage Company ! bas its hacks stationed on the corner of Kiogand Bethol Street, | oppoiite the st ire of Castle and i Cook. Joe Aud -.ide is the mamger and has under him a nnmber of obligmg and safe drivers. Telphono 113.