Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 139, 15 June 1894 — A GOOD PURPOSE. [ARTICLE]

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A Beneflt for “Jenx" Connor. A l»€nefit pe.-formance beea arranged for ‘ Jerry” Connor a ' well-known h5rse-man who bas j lived for vears ia Honolnln, and | who Las been i very sick man for : some times “Jerrr has 1 been advised by his physician tbat be most take a trip to the i hot springs in Arkansas and bis . friends proposs to send him tbere if a snflicient sam ean be raised | from tbe performance whieh it is intended to gi e. Tbe Phil*delI phia blue jack3U bave been permitted by C*p aio Barker to give i one of tbeir popnlar entertainI ments on nex* Tbnrsday ut tbe i Optra Hcnse and tbere is no I donbt tbat tle aflair will be a j great success and “Jerry” re1 ceive a tangib’e testimouy of the ■ large uumber <»f frieuds he has in tbis towu. T le programme for tbe performam e will be publisbed at a futnre datJ.