Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 138, 14 June 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]

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Hawaiian Hardware Company

The AvlrertUwr who onlehe* • persons eve nsu illv wics a I cnstoraer. Muoy dirtcrent stvles ; of a»lvertis«ng bnre been adopted n(id witb raore or Iess s«ccess, l»y the believers ia the aw of printers ink. Tiie ictarvrs of l’ears 8oap. for iustanco. occ.»s oa aliv bay p«ioting9 that h»ve bei.-a on exlubiti«»u in tho P>»ri's Salon .»uil lmve lith>>gn<phs umde from thein for the pnrpose uf bnnging tueir pr>J ict bef >ro j the people. lu atlJition to such ! side issnes. Pcars{>eaJs han-.lmL» tlu>as«nJs ol dt»ll.«is »nn;uil!y among the n.iasp:ip«>rs anJ ung- ' HZiues. Souie ye«rs ng.< llie >gonts of certain artiolo on s;»!e iti New Yurk uiNile >» hit iu nJvert siug by baving on Brondway Juring b«s- ! iness hoan» two f ulaessly JresseJ " Negroeswe.»rtitgvery higlic »lUrs, ! on the b»cks of wlnoli w is pnate«l *‘l*se is>uiths Pills.” Tiie i idea was aovel aiul tlie pnblic caaght on. lllsiug Snn Stove Polish has beeu kopt l»efi»re tlte public fur ye.irs throiigh p«rsistent, :»uJ sometiines expeu»ive : aJvertising. Twenty oJJ y©ars ago the mannfactarers of tliis polish start< J h:»lf u Jozeu us»*a acrosstheorui neutt > p.i;ut sigus , on rocks and fences. Tho Aermotor C<>., of Cliio.»gj liave iuI cre«sej its sales iuure llmn five huuJreJ [>er cent in two years by the use of priaters iuk. We beheve we have beou instrurueui t.»l in iocreasing tuo s«les of the Aomotor by keepiugevorlastiDgIy I at it iu llawali. We tlo uot wish to say tli it :idvertisiug will sell >»uy iuauufjc- | tureJ article; tliere i» n » nse i s(>euJing mouey in advertising i “eheap ;tuJ n;isty” go >Js be- : cnnse tlie i«oplo wil! ni*t l»e booJwinked. lf H.»vil.«m) Ohiu.i w.is ! not the sapenor <»rtiulo ,it is, n 11 j our advertisiug of it nouM uut j have 8f*lJ the thoQ8unJsof pieOea j thut we have. We s>mply eall . the atteutioU of tliti pe>>p!e to it I auJ its sui»eri>*r qu »hty is ap|iurent to Ihe unstoraer Jiroctiy a pieee of it is ex-uuineJ. i Printers iuk hos iiel|>e<l the saie of the J.»mus Loekeil Feuco but 1 1 wo ilJ uot h >ve J >ns-> so if it h.i J ! heen as diiusy us the or tlimy w.ro j fence. First; the ec«>noiuy tliero i is ia bmlJiug it rocommeatls ■ it to the plaiitutioa mitOMger auJ ; then its durubilitv clinches tue • the sale If tiie st»ys aaJ w<»sh- ! erscost as mueh us an orJiu >ry reJwo«»J post our s»les of the >uateriai w»a!J not huve reacheJ such enonuoue )>roportious. Onr average s«!e of tho Pansy Iron Stove is about two a J tv the year ronaJ. If was nat the best irou st«»ve on the market we • wouitl aot seli th.it iuaoy iu six months. AJvertisiug is tbu tip to tho publ:c the g>xnl |»»ints in j tbeart:cle sells it ju-t «s the good j qualities of the Fischer bteet 1 Kauge make it •« Jcsir.»b!e article f*>r peopie who wisb tuecouomise : iu tlie use of fuel. We bny ouly what has proven goo>l alter px*ple in t)ie LTiiteJ j States or E ir»pe have given it a - triul; we profit by l;<eit expertnce i tf lbe ariieles are g->ouU boy . aml sell them; if they aro poor ! we steer cle«r of khem. Wheu | we aJvertise an articie it is to attract attentiuo to it; tbe uewsj |»aper ; s tbe buttoa we posb, tbe : salestuan Joes the rest. Persls*eut odvertising conpleJ with tbe »rt eU buiag .» s-j|»ertor one h*s s.»hl t!i»asiuls uf tue Fr »n'i W«lcot E.oory File. If ik h«J l>eeu no b«tter ilian an orJm »ry soytLa st*me we ptobablj w»alj not bavu s-»U iwuaiy. When a man fiuds out that bis table kx>ives m«y l>« keplsb rp at &!( times at au »X[uusa of Sfty ceuts »nJ a re»y iilile el'uow grease hu is <piite w...... b U* uy the uxperimuuL T#e Hiiau Miare Ci : 807 FUtSHHM